Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Genesis - 1677 Words
Dinah’s experience is similar to Tarma in Genesis. She is the daughter-in-law of Judah. Judah asked his son Onan to make she pregnant after his biggest son Er died. However, Onan did not follow what his father said: â€Å"And Onan knew that the seed should not be his, †¦, he spilled it on the ground†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (38:9) Therefore, the Lord punished Onan and let he died. After that Judah sent Tarma back to her father’s house until his third son Shelah grows up. Unexpectedly, years later, Judah was taken Tarma for a prostitute and he had sex with her: â€Å"When Judah saw her, he judged her to be a whore, for she had covered her face.†(38:15) Tarma was judged to be burned for whoredom. At that time, she showed the pledge what Judah gave her after they had sex†¦show more content†¦Other women are lawful to you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (4:24) It is no overstatement to say that the men in the Islamic world thousand years ago were free to marry with whomever they want. Imagine, a man living under the Islamism in the past who is legal to have sex with any unmarried virgin as long as he gifts his part of property. More and more, the Sura 33 states that: â€Å"You may make any of [your women] wait and receive any of them as you wish†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (33:51) This is the situation which is similar to that of Dinah and Shechem’s story in Genesisâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€nobody requests the consent of females in sexual behavior. The men even were able to marry more than two women (4:3) but not vice versa. In addition, the Qur’an rules that: â€Å"Your wives are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like.†(2:223) This quote shows the male has the absolute domination of women. In my view, combining those thoughts in the Qur’an above, I am firmly convinced that the status of female in Islamism is not equal to that of males. In the patriarchal society, women like Dinah are the sacrifice for males gaining power. After discussing the status of women in Genesis and the Qur’an, one must to ask: why were Jacob and his sons determined to take revenge on Shechem? Why did males living in the ancient Muslim world have to pay the girl who they are going to marry? I would like to provide the answer to these questions â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ the purity of women is vital in the society atShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1116 Words  | 5 PagesGenesis 1-11 The book of Genesis is often referred to as the book of beginnings. Genesis is the first book that begins the Old Testament, it is also the first book of the entire Bible. The Lord also began the world in the book of Genesis, He made the heavens and the earth, man and woman. In Genesis chapters one through eleven, the Bible teaches us stories that most of us have grown up hearing in Sunday School such as the creation account, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood and theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 775 Words  | 4 Pagestaken from the book of Genesis. The focus will be taken from an event that was recorded in chapter 12 of this book. The main charter was a man call Abram and his wife, Sarai. Because of deceit of Abram, driven by his fear of losing his life he chooses to be deceitful.This dishonest act caused someone else to sin this caused God not to be happy with the person than sin so a plague was caused by him. The act on one cause God to moved on others i n a negative way. Genesis is the first book of the BibleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1238 Words  | 5 Pageslike. Upon looking into the time of human creation and early civilized human life it is nearly impossible to find a source that can tell exactly what happened. There is one source that has a theory which has proven to be fairly reliable: the book of Genesis. It not only provides a story of creation, but also gives one an inside look at what life was like during the early days of human civilization. It follows the family of Abram, later known as Abraham, a descendant of Noah. The story follows himRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1592 Words  | 7 Pagesperson who will carry out the last step of God’s ultimate plan, creation, sin, and salvation. We can see God’s creation in the Book of Genesis. God spent six days creating the universe, earth, animals, land, and humans. Humans were a different creation than the other things God had created. When God created hum ans, â€Å"God created mankind in his image†¦God blessed them†(Genesis 1:27). The next step in God’s plan is sin. Sin was introduced to mankind from God’s given free will to humans. This caused AdamRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 808 Words  | 4 PagesResponse Paper: Genesis The book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible that lays the foundation on what the whole Bible is about. The first verse of Genesis states, â€Å"In the beginning.†These words show us that before anything ever existed, God existed. Most cannot fathom the fact that God was not created, but He always has, always is, and always will be; which gives us a sense of assurance that we are in a relationship with the one true God. Chapters one and two of Genesis focus on the creationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 36-50 958 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to the book of genesis 36-50, it sustains significant narratives focusing on Esau’s descendants, which describe Esau’s family members and the stories of them, two wives and twelve sons. Esau’s was one of Abraham grandsons, and as such, part of some material blessings. One was that Esau became â€Å"father of the nation†the nation of Edom. I argue that Esau’s were experiencing Godâ€℠¢s blessings, in conform to his promises. The abundance of goods is due to the divine blessing of God. They wereRead More Textual Analysis of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible1056 Words  | 5 PagesA Textual Analysis of Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh The stories of the floods found in both Gilgamesh and Genesis contain many striking similarities that are inevitably beyond mere coincidence. One could surmise that both of these stories might have a basis in common historical occurrence. However, despite the fact that both of these works discuss a common topic, the portrayal of this event is quite different. Like identical twins raised in different cultures, the expressions ofRead MoreEssay about Religion 111 Study Questions Week 1979 Words  | 4 PagesREL 111 Questions For Review Chapters 3, 4, 5 Chapter 3 Q1. What levels of meaning can be found in Genesis 1.1-2.4a? This passage gives meaning to the first creation story. It gives the order of how God created everything over the first six days starting with light and ending with the creation of animals and humans. Q2. What are the similarities and differences between the biblical and the Babylonian presentations of cosmic beginnings? The similarities between biblical and Babylonian beginningsRead MoreCritical Criticism Of Genesis1714 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom the place where you are†Genesis 13:14. The word genesis is the dawning of creation, and the biblical book of Genesis is the book that brings fourth the creation of our planet and the life that resides. Genesis also describes the descent of Adam and Eve and unveils the foundation that sin builds upon. Genesis introduces the origin of the holy land, Israel, and inception of holy covenants promised by the holy trinity; the son, the father, and the holy spirit. Genesis communicates the definite eventsRead MoreThe Bible, The Passage Of Genesis943 Words  | 4 Pagesset apart from all other earthly inhabitants. According to the Hebrew Bible, the passage of Genesis 1:26 – 31 can be excellently interpreted as one that contains the original blueprints of a divinely constructed purpose for the first humans. While the Book of Genesis, commonly attribu ted to the authorship of Moses, contains heavyset implications regarding pre-exilic and postexilic Israelite controversy, Genesis 1:26 – 31 reduces much of the common nuances in synchronic and diachronic perspectives as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Problem With The United States Constitution
Allana Diego Mrs. Morris CLN4U 9 January 2015 The Problem with the United States’ Constitution According to the United Nations, human rights are defined as â€Å"rights inherent to all human beings, whatever their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. Humans all equally entitled to human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.†The fight to protect human rights has been ongoing since the creation of law. The question of what constitutes as a human right has been raised time and time again to redefine laws in order to accommodate groups who have had their rights violated. From women’s rights to the rights of coloured people in America, social movements have been an integral part of creating change for the betterment of society. Today, the world faces yet another movement: the campaign for gay rights and the legalization of same-sex marriage. The gay rights movement in Canada began in 1967 with the arrest of Everett George Klippert on the grounds of his homosexual conduct. He was the last person in Canada to be arrested for his sexual orientation, as his case sparked protests and demands for reform. Ten years later, the decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada ensued as a direct result of this case. In the United States, the gay rights movement began much earlier. Dating back to 1924 the Society for Human Rights in Chicago, the earliestShow MoreRelatedThe Constitution As A Democratic Document1286 Words  | 6 PagesThe Constitution as a Democratic Document Since the ratification of the Constitution, more than 11,000 amendments have been proposed. The Constitution of the United States of America was Officially ratified in 1789. This makes the document over two-hundred years old. Since the time of its writing and eventual ratification, the document has been amended and interpreted in many ways. 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Which can include: how many terms a leader may serve, what rights the citizens have, how the judicial system works, etc. The United States in no different from those countries. Every constitution is different, no country has the exact constitution as another. The U.S Constitution is a four-page docum ent detailingRead MoreThe Influence of Shays Rebellion Essay1001 Words  | 5 Pages In 1776, when the United States declared independence from Britain, the new country needed a set of laws to apply to all of the states to replace the earlier British rule. The colonists, however, were concerned that if the United States put too much power in the central government the states rights would vanish. Therefore, the first form of government, the Articles of Confederation, gave too much power to the states and insufficient power to the central government. 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These laws that govern the people are known as state laws and federal laws. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land in the United States. â€Å"It createsRead MoreArticles of Confederation vs Constitution1422 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Mallory Pineda AE 1 The Articles of Confederation and United States Constitution are two documents that shaped the U.S. government into what it is today. The Articles of Confederation (AOC) was the first Constitution of the United States. Americans soon realized that this document had to be substantially modified because the U.S. needed a stronger government. The AOC was thought of as an ineffective national government document, although there were some strong points. The AOC was ratified in 1781
Religious Current Events Free Essays
Quebec’s secularism charter heads to lawmakers Recently in the province of Quebec City, Canada, the Charter of Quebec Values was introduced to the public making the area completely secular. Even more recently, the charter was rebranded as â€Å"Charter Affirming the Values of Secularism and the Religious Neutrality of the State, As Well As the Equality of Men and Women, and the Framing of Accommodation Requests†, the sole reason simply being that â€Å"Bernard Drainville, the governing Parti Quebecois minister responsible for the proposal, said he mouthful of a name was selected by government lawyers, adding they like long names that encompass the major details in the title. †This measure would ban all overt and conspicuous headgear worn by public sector employees, including hijabs, yarmulkes and Sikh turbans. We will write a custom essay sample on Religious Current Events or any similar topic only for you Order Now This ban also includes wearing large crucifixes and other obvious religious wear. This will affect people all over the province who openly displayed their religious perspectives. This will likely become an extremely controversial situation between the people of Quebec City and their governing party, he reason being that before this charter, the people were free to openly practice and somewhat display their beliefs, and now, are being regulated on what they are and aren’t allowed to wear. Though the drafters of the bill feel that this charter is required to achieve religious neutrality, it is not likely that the people of Quebec City will stand for such religious oppression. Some may be tolerable of the charter, like those who can Just tuck in their necklaces or put away their rings, but what about those who wear garments such as headdresses and celebrative wear to express their trength and belief, or even a monk who is only to wear his robe. To set any regulation on religious â€Å"display’ is to oppress religion itself. It is impossible to ban the â€Å"visual expression†of religion without inadvertantly discriminating against certain religious perspectives who use robes, dresses or other kinds religious wear. â€Å"The provincial government is allowing for a one-year transition period to implement the provisions. The charter calls for disciplinary measures for those who do not comply with its bans, but those are unspecified in the bill. Meanwhile, Canada’s federal government has said that if the charter is approved, Ottawa would order a review by its Justice Department. This itself shows the uncertainty in the entire charter. If the law is passed, it should already deemed as a constitutional law. The provincial government is determined to have this charter set into motion and even they are unsure as to whether or not it is fair to religious expression as a whole. Not only do they neglect the fact that some religions require the expression of things such as headwear to ymbolize their religious devotion, they claim that it can be impartial to other forms of religious expressions. However, there was no fault before the legislation of this charter, there wasn’t much of an issue with religious expression. Religious wars have not taken place in the country of Canada because they did not have a law regulating the religious expression of the people, making it impartial. The people of the province realize this and are opposing what is to be the â€Å"Charter Affirming the Values of Secularism and the Religious Neutrality of the State, As Well As the Equality of Men nd Women, and the Framing of Accommodation Requests†Religion is a controversial thing. As difficult as it may be to maintain the equality of the people and still remain viewed as impartial to any specific party, it is not alright to eliminate the situation as a whole. The freedom of religion is the rite of the people and is not be tyrannized in any way. Though the respective religious peoples are to practice their religion respective to the laws of their land, opression of general expression is not a possible solution. How to cite Religious Current Events, Papers
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