Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Big Business and The Robber Barons Essay -- Corporate America Consumer
The decades after the Civil War quickly changed the substance of the United States. The fast industrialization of the country transformed us from by and large agrarian to the top mechanical force on the planet. Business head honchos flourished during this time, producing extraordinary business domains with the utilization of trusts and pools. Ranchers moved to the urban communities and into the manufacturing plants, living off wages and changing the substance of the workforce. This quick industrialization made wide holes in the public eye, and the administration, which had initially adopted a hands off strategy to business, had to step in. Numerous people exploited the fast industrialization and high flood of modest work as migrants. Among these business visionaries were John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and George Pullman. Each bacome famous by manufacturing their own corporate domain. Rockefeller was an industrialist and giver who made his fortune by establishing the Standard Oil Company in 1870. Endeavoring to consume the business and press out the center man, Rockefeller gradually oversaw the oil business. He framed the incredible Standard Oil Trust in 1882, which joined the entirety of his organizations and made sure about 95% of oil creation in the United States for himself. Rockefeller was an industrialist who got rid of the entirety of his opposition with his trust, in the long run prompting Congress mediation. Andrew Carnegie discovered his fortune in steel. Showing up in America in 1848, he immediately advanced up society’s stepping stool and in 1870 established the Carnegie Steel Company in Pittsburgh. Carnegie was against monopolistic practices, however prevailing with regards to killing the center man. He spearheaded the strategy of â€Å"vertical integration†... ...elped to augment the break among rich and poor. Ranchers, who were once independently employed, were quickly turning out to be assembly line laborers. In 1860 a large portion of the country was independently employed, however by 1900 66% were reliant on compensation. This pattern caused the fast urbanization of America, which drew out certain issues. Wages were rising, so it was a great idea to be working, however with subordinate wages the laborers we’re helpless to monetary downturns. The working environment additionally turned out to be substantially less affable as individuals moved to processing plant occupations. New machines would frequently dislodge laborers, and individual specialists had little capacity to battle for their privileges against the businesses. There was constantly a dread of joblessness, and reformers attempted to ensure compensation and have arrangements for transitory joblessness. As more individuals moved to the urban communities and the companies developed, social fractures expanded and bigger.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Unconditioned Stimulus in Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus in Classical Conditioning Theories Behavioral Psychology Print Unconditioned Stimulus in Classical Conditioning By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on October 08, 2019 Tara Moore / Getty Images More in Theories Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In the learning process known as classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is one that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response. ??In other words, the response takes place without any prior learning. For example, when you smell one of your favorite foods, you may immediately feel hungry. In this example, the smell of the food is the unconditioned stimulus. Examples of the Unconditioned Stimulus In Ivan Pavlovs classic experiment with dogs, the smell of food was the unconditioned stimulus. The dogs in his experiment would smell the food, and then naturally begin to salivate in response. This response requires no learning, and it simply happens automatically. Some more examples of the unconditioned stimulus include: A feather tickling your nose causes you to sneeze. The feather tickling your nose is the unconditioned stimulus.Cutting up an onion makes your eyes water. The onion is the unconditioned stimulus.Pollen from grass and flowers cause you to sneeze. The pollen is the unconditioned stimulus.Your cat running to its bowl whenever it smells food. The scent of food is the unconditioned stimulus.A loud bang causes you to flinch away from the sound. The unexpected loud noise is the unconditioned stimulus because it automatically triggers a response with no prior learning. In each of these examples, the unconditioned stimulus naturally triggers an unconditioned response or reflex. You dont have to learn to respond to the unconditioned stimulus - it simply occurs automatically. The Role of the Neutral Stimulus For the purposes of classical conditioning or learning, you cant have an unconditioned stimulus without a neutral stimulus. In other words, for conditioning to take place, you must first start by pairing a previously neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus. A neutral stimulus doesnt trigger any particular response at first, but when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, it can effectively stimulate learning. A good example of a neutral stimulus is a sound or a song. When it is initially presented, the neutral stimulus has no effect on behavior. As it is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, it will begin to cause the same response as the UCS. For example, the sound of a squeaky door opening may initially be a neutral stimulus. If that sound is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, such as you feeding your cat, that sound will eventually come to trigger a change in your cats behavior. Once an association has been formed, you cat may react as if it is being fed every time it hears the squeaky door open. How Timing Impacts Acquisition or Learning of a Behavior Throughout the classical conditioning process, there are a number of different factors that can influence how quickly associations are learned. How much time that passes between presenting the initially neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is one of the most important factors in whether or not learning will actually occur. The timing of how the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are presented is what influences whether or not an association will be formed, a principle that is known as the congruity hypothesis. How the UCS Works in Classical Conditioning In Ivan Pavlovs famous experiment, for example, the tone of the bell was initially a neutral stimulus while the smell of food was the unconditioned stimulus. Presenting the tone close to presenting the smell of food results in a stronger association. Ringing the bell, the neutral stimulus, long before the unconditioned stimulus leads to a much weaker or even nonexistent association. Different types of conditioning may use different timing or order between the neutral stimulus and the UCS. In simultaneous conditioning, the neutral stimulus is presented at the exact time as the unconditioned stimulus. This type of conditioning leads to weak learning.In backward conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus is given first and the neutral stimulus is presented afterward. This type of conditioning also tends to result in weak learning.In trace conditioning, the neutral stimulus is presented briefly and then stopped, then the unconditioned stimulus is presented. This type of conditioning produces good results.In delayed conditioning, the neutral stimulus is presented and continues while the unconditioned stimulus is offered. This type of conditioned produces the best results. How New Behaviors Are Acquired by Using Acquisition
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Genesis - 1677 Words
Dinah’s experience is similar to Tarma in Genesis. She is the daughter-in-law of Judah. Judah asked his son Onan to make she pregnant after his biggest son Er died. However, Onan did not follow what his father said: â€Å"And Onan knew that the seed should not be his, †¦, he spilled it on the ground†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (38:9) Therefore, the Lord punished Onan and let he died. After that Judah sent Tarma back to her father’s house until his third son Shelah grows up. Unexpectedly, years later, Judah was taken Tarma for a prostitute and he had sex with her: â€Å"When Judah saw her, he judged her to be a whore, for she had covered her face.†(38:15) Tarma was judged to be burned for whoredom. At that time, she showed the pledge what Judah gave her after they had sex†¦show more content†¦Other women are lawful to you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (4:24) It is no overstatement to say that the men in the Islamic world thousand years ago were free to marry with whomever they want. Imagine, a man living under the Islamism in the past who is legal to have sex with any unmarried virgin as long as he gifts his part of property. More and more, the Sura 33 states that: â€Å"You may make any of [your women] wait and receive any of them as you wish†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (33:51) This is the situation which is similar to that of Dinah and Shechem’s story in Genesisâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€nobody requests the consent of females in sexual behavior. The men even were able to marry more than two women (4:3) but not vice versa. In addition, the Qur’an rules that: â€Å"Your wives are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like.†(2:223) This quote shows the male has the absolute domination of women. In my view, combining those thoughts in the Qur’an above, I am firmly convinced that the status of female in Islamism is not equal to that of males. In the patriarchal society, women like Dinah are the sacrifice for males gaining power. After discussing the status of women in Genesis and the Qur’an, one must to ask: why were Jacob and his sons determined to take revenge on Shechem? Why did males living in the ancient Muslim world have to pay the girl who they are going to marry? I would like to provide the answer to these questions â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ the purity of women is vital in the society atShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1116 Words  | 5 PagesGenesis 1-11 The book of Genesis is often referred to as the book of beginnings. Genesis is the first book that begins the Old Testament, it is also the first book of the entire Bible. The Lord also began the world in the book of Genesis, He made the heavens and the earth, man and woman. In Genesis chapters one through eleven, the Bible teaches us stories that most of us have grown up hearing in Sunday School such as the creation account, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood and theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 775 Words  | 4 Pagestaken from the book of Genesis. The focus will be taken from an event that was recorded in chapter 12 of this book. The main charter was a man call Abram and his wife, Sarai. Because of deceit of Abram, driven by his fear of losing his life he chooses to be deceitful.This dishonest act caused someone else to sin this caused God not to be happy with the person than sin so a plague was caused by him. The act on one cause God to moved on others i n a negative way. Genesis is the first book of the BibleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1238 Words  | 5 Pageslike. Upon looking into the time of human creation and early civilized human life it is nearly impossible to find a source that can tell exactly what happened. There is one source that has a theory which has proven to be fairly reliable: the book of Genesis. It not only provides a story of creation, but also gives one an inside look at what life was like during the early days of human civilization. It follows the family of Abram, later known as Abraham, a descendant of Noah. The story follows himRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1592 Words  | 7 Pagesperson who will carry out the last step of God’s ultimate plan, creation, sin, and salvation. We can see God’s creation in the Book of Genesis. God spent six days creating the universe, earth, animals, land, and humans. Humans were a different creation than the other things God had created. When God created hum ans, â€Å"God created mankind in his image†¦God blessed them†(Genesis 1:27). The next step in God’s plan is sin. Sin was introduced to mankind from God’s given free will to humans. This caused AdamRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 808 Words  | 4 PagesResponse Paper: Genesis The book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible that lays the foundation on what the whole Bible is about. The first verse of Genesis states, â€Å"In the beginning.†These words show us that before anything ever existed, God existed. Most cannot fathom the fact that God was not created, but He always has, always is, and always will be; which gives us a sense of assurance that we are in a relationship with the one true God. Chapters one and two of Genesis focus on the creationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 36-50 958 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to the book of genesis 36-50, it sustains significant narratives focusing on Esau’s descendants, which describe Esau’s family members and the stories of them, two wives and twelve sons. Esau’s was one of Abraham grandsons, and as such, part of some material blessings. One was that Esau became â€Å"father of the nation†the nation of Edom. I argue that Esau’s were experiencing Godâ€℠¢s blessings, in conform to his promises. The abundance of goods is due to the divine blessing of God. They wereRead More Textual Analysis of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible1056 Words  | 5 PagesA Textual Analysis of Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh The stories of the floods found in both Gilgamesh and Genesis contain many striking similarities that are inevitably beyond mere coincidence. One could surmise that both of these stories might have a basis in common historical occurrence. However, despite the fact that both of these works discuss a common topic, the portrayal of this event is quite different. Like identical twins raised in different cultures, the expressions ofRead MoreEssay about Religion 111 Study Questions Week 1979 Words  | 4 PagesREL 111 Questions For Review Chapters 3, 4, 5 Chapter 3 Q1. What levels of meaning can be found in Genesis 1.1-2.4a? This passage gives meaning to the first creation story. It gives the order of how God created everything over the first six days starting with light and ending with the creation of animals and humans. Q2. What are the similarities and differences between the biblical and the Babylonian presentations of cosmic beginnings? The similarities between biblical and Babylonian beginningsRead MoreCritical Criticism Of Genesis1714 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom the place where you are†Genesis 13:14. The word genesis is the dawning of creation, and the biblical book of Genesis is the book that brings fourth the creation of our planet and the life that resides. Genesis also describes the descent of Adam and Eve and unveils the foundation that sin builds upon. Genesis introduces the origin of the holy land, Israel, and inception of holy covenants promised by the holy trinity; the son, the father, and the holy spirit. Genesis communicates the definite eventsRead MoreThe Bible, The Passage Of Genesis943 Words  | 4 Pagesset apart from all other earthly inhabitants. According to the Hebrew Bible, the passage of Genesis 1:26 – 31 can be excellently interpreted as one that contains the original blueprints of a divinely constructed purpose for the first humans. While the Book of Genesis, commonly attribu ted to the authorship of Moses, contains heavyset implications regarding pre-exilic and postexilic Israelite controversy, Genesis 1:26 – 31 reduces much of the common nuances in synchronic and diachronic perspectives as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Problem With The United States Constitution
Allana Diego Mrs. Morris CLN4U 9 January 2015 The Problem with the United States’ Constitution According to the United Nations, human rights are defined as â€Å"rights inherent to all human beings, whatever their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. Humans all equally entitled to human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.†The fight to protect human rights has been ongoing since the creation of law. The question of what constitutes as a human right has been raised time and time again to redefine laws in order to accommodate groups who have had their rights violated. From women’s rights to the rights of coloured people in America, social movements have been an integral part of creating change for the betterment of society. Today, the world faces yet another movement: the campaign for gay rights and the legalization of same-sex marriage. The gay rights movement in Canada began in 1967 with the arrest of Everett George Klippert on the grounds of his homosexual conduct. He was the last person in Canada to be arrested for his sexual orientation, as his case sparked protests and demands for reform. Ten years later, the decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada ensued as a direct result of this case. In the United States, the gay rights movement began much earlier. Dating back to 1924 the Society for Human Rights in Chicago, the earliestShow MoreRelatedThe Constitution As A Democratic Document1286 Words  | 6 PagesThe Constitution as a Democratic Document Since the ratification of the Constitution, more than 11,000 amendments have been proposed. The Constitution of the United States of America was Officially ratified in 1789. This makes the document over two-hundred years old. Since the time of its writing and eventual ratification, the document has been amended and interpreted in many ways. Whether it be prohibition to the abolition of slavery. The Constitution has been constantly updated over time. ItRead MoreThe United States Constitution and Its Various Amendments766 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States Constitution is a healthy document which still serves our nation exceptionally well and does not need drastic change or revision. Since June twenty first of 1788, when the United States Constitution was ratified in Washington D.C. it has been considered The Law of the Land. Ever since that date, we have followed those rules as the Federal law and overall â€Å"ruling†of our lives. For almost two hundred twenty four years, this has been what our country has been following to thisRead MoreThe Constitutional Convention Of Philadelphia Signed The United States Constitution1107 Words  | 5 PagesConstitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. Designed to replace the weak Articles of Confederation previously in place, the Constitution delineates and outlines the powers of the different branches of government. The Constitution also includes the Bill of Rights that states the rights of the citizens. As of this year, the Constitution is two hundred and twenty-nine years old. The Constitution continues to have an impact on modern society as itRead MoreEs say on The Inefficiency of the U.S. Constitution1272 Words  | 6 PagesThe Inefficiency of the Constitution The United States Constitution is one the most heralded documents in our nations history. It is also the most copied Constitution in the world. Many nations have taken the ideals and values from our Constitution and instilled them in their own. It is amazing to think that after 200 years, it still holds relevance to our nations politics and procedures. However, regardless of how important this document is to our government, the operation remains timeRead More The United States Constitution Compared to the Communist Manifesto840 Words  | 4 PagesThe United States Constitution Compared to the Communist Manifesto Both the Communist Manifesto and the United States Constitution share some common ideas. They are documents that strive for ideas that in opposition to one another. The Communist Manifesto and The Constitution of the United States both include what the relationship between an individual and society should be about. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto. Marx and Engels talked about in the CommunistRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States894 Words  | 4 Pagesthe substratum for that country. A Constitution can be defined as a document that is the substratum of the country’s principles. Elements in the Constitution may contain sundry information. Which can include: how many terms a leader may serve, what rights the citizens have, how the judicial system works, etc. The United States in no different from those countries. Every constitution is different, no country has the exact constitution as another. The U.S Constitution is a four-page docum ent detailingRead MoreThe Influence of Shays Rebellion Essay1001 Words  | 5 Pages In 1776, when the United States declared independence from Britain, the new country needed a set of laws to apply to all of the states to replace the earlier British rule. The colonists, however, were concerned that if the United States put too much power in the central government the states rights would vanish. Therefore, the first form of government, the Articles of Confederation, gave too much power to the states and insufficient power to the central government. States could create their ownRead MoreThe Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution1115 Words  | 5 PagesThe Articles of Confederation were the earliest constitution of the United States. After the United States became fully independent from Great Britain, following the Revolutionary War, the document was created to outline the functions and management of new nation. However, the document established a very weak central government, instead giving the power to the states. To correct the mistake, a new version of such a document was created: the Constitution, which is still in effect today. (Articles ofRead MoreState vs Federal1043 Words  | 5 PagesFederal Vs State Policy Comparison | | | CJA 464 | Robert Powers | | Each state has their own specific unique laws established individually for their state. In conjunction with those laws that exist over the people in their specific state there are also federal laws that govern the states as well as the people who live in them. These laws that govern the people are known as state laws and federal laws. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land in the United States. â€Å"It createsRead MoreArticles of Confederation vs Constitution1422 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Mallory Pineda AE 1 The Articles of Confederation and United States Constitution are two documents that shaped the U.S. government into what it is today. The Articles of Confederation (AOC) was the first Constitution of the United States. Americans soon realized that this document had to be substantially modified because the U.S. needed a stronger government. The AOC was thought of as an ineffective national government document, although there were some strong points. The AOC was ratified in 1781
Religious Current Events Free Essays
Quebec’s secularism charter heads to lawmakers Recently in the province of Quebec City, Canada, the Charter of Quebec Values was introduced to the public making the area completely secular. Even more recently, the charter was rebranded as â€Å"Charter Affirming the Values of Secularism and the Religious Neutrality of the State, As Well As the Equality of Men and Women, and the Framing of Accommodation Requests†, the sole reason simply being that â€Å"Bernard Drainville, the governing Parti Quebecois minister responsible for the proposal, said he mouthful of a name was selected by government lawyers, adding they like long names that encompass the major details in the title. †This measure would ban all overt and conspicuous headgear worn by public sector employees, including hijabs, yarmulkes and Sikh turbans. We will write a custom essay sample on Religious Current Events or any similar topic only for you Order Now This ban also includes wearing large crucifixes and other obvious religious wear. This will affect people all over the province who openly displayed their religious perspectives. This will likely become an extremely controversial situation between the people of Quebec City and their governing party, he reason being that before this charter, the people were free to openly practice and somewhat display their beliefs, and now, are being regulated on what they are and aren’t allowed to wear. Though the drafters of the bill feel that this charter is required to achieve religious neutrality, it is not likely that the people of Quebec City will stand for such religious oppression. Some may be tolerable of the charter, like those who can Just tuck in their necklaces or put away their rings, but what about those who wear garments such as headdresses and celebrative wear to express their trength and belief, or even a monk who is only to wear his robe. To set any regulation on religious â€Å"display’ is to oppress religion itself. It is impossible to ban the â€Å"visual expression†of religion without inadvertantly discriminating against certain religious perspectives who use robes, dresses or other kinds religious wear. â€Å"The provincial government is allowing for a one-year transition period to implement the provisions. The charter calls for disciplinary measures for those who do not comply with its bans, but those are unspecified in the bill. Meanwhile, Canada’s federal government has said that if the charter is approved, Ottawa would order a review by its Justice Department. This itself shows the uncertainty in the entire charter. If the law is passed, it should already deemed as a constitutional law. The provincial government is determined to have this charter set into motion and even they are unsure as to whether or not it is fair to religious expression as a whole. Not only do they neglect the fact that some religions require the expression of things such as headwear to ymbolize their religious devotion, they claim that it can be impartial to other forms of religious expressions. However, there was no fault before the legislation of this charter, there wasn’t much of an issue with religious expression. Religious wars have not taken place in the country of Canada because they did not have a law regulating the religious expression of the people, making it impartial. The people of the province realize this and are opposing what is to be the â€Å"Charter Affirming the Values of Secularism and the Religious Neutrality of the State, As Well As the Equality of Men nd Women, and the Framing of Accommodation Requests†Religion is a controversial thing. As difficult as it may be to maintain the equality of the people and still remain viewed as impartial to any specific party, it is not alright to eliminate the situation as a whole. The freedom of religion is the rite of the people and is not be tyrannized in any way. Though the respective religious peoples are to practice their religion respective to the laws of their land, opression of general expression is not a possible solution. How to cite Religious Current Events, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Physical Setting and Development of Themes and Characters free essay sample
A discussion of the importance of the setting of a novel in order to fully develop the themes and characters of a novel. This paper focuses on the importance of physical setting and shows how it can have a profound impact on the development of characters and themes. We need to understand that the actual setting of a story is as significant as the plot itself because it helps the characters grow and also helps in exploration of the chosen themes. In this connection, the paper sheds light on the physical setting of three books, namely Paradise Lost, Barbara Kingsolvers Poisonwood Bible and Dantes Inferno. It is important to understand that physical setting of any book plays a significant role in transformation of evolution of its characters and the development of its plot and themes. Though physical settings have always been considered important, their connection with the development of characters or themes has not been explored very often. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Setting and Development of Themes and Characters or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But if we delve deeper into some truly amazing pieces of literature, we would notice that setting has always been chosen appropriately to support the development of characters and movement of the plot.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Reflections On Cesar Chavz And The Labor Movement
It’s amazing how much can change in just five years; although I’m not a rich man now, I am so much more hopeful and happy than I was back in 1965, before the Great Grape Boycott. When they grow up, my grandchildren will never believe the terrible conditions me and their grandmother lived in, and so perhaps they’ll never understand how far we’ve really come. In 1960, I was already married and had a child. The only way I could make ends meet was to follow the grape harvest and pick grapes, but the work was so much harder than it sounds. Back then, I only made ninety cents per hour, plus ten cents for every basket I picked. I didn’t mind having to work so hard every day, if the living conditions had only been a little better. I had to pay $2.00 per day just to live in a tiny little shack with no electricity or water, and since money was so tight, my 10 year old had to illegally work in the fields. I had resigned myself that life wasn’t going to get much better than this, and comforted myself with the knowledge that at least this was a better life than I would have had in Mexico. Then one day I ran across a flyer that asked Mexican agricultural workers to join the Filipino workers in striking against the Delano grape growers, so that our wages would be increased to $1.25 per hour. I had always thought that our back-breaking work was worth more than 90 cents an hour, so I went to the meeting. There, I saw Cesar Chavez, the leader of the movement. He gave an inspirational speech about demanding our rights as workers, and almost everyone there voted to join the strike. Once we went on strike in Delano, the growers though we were replaceable and they just hired other Chicano workers in our place. But every day, we would rotate what farms we would go to and picket, and more often than not, we would get those strikebreakers to join our strike. Then Cesar asked the country to boycott grapes, and explained our unjust working ... Free Essays on Reflections On Cesar Chavz And The Labor Movement Free Essays on Reflections On Cesar Chavz And The Labor Movement It’s amazing how much can change in just five years; although I’m not a rich man now, I am so much more hopeful and happy than I was back in 1965, before the Great Grape Boycott. When they grow up, my grandchildren will never believe the terrible conditions me and their grandmother lived in, and so perhaps they’ll never understand how far we’ve really come. In 1960, I was already married and had a child. The only way I could make ends meet was to follow the grape harvest and pick grapes, but the work was so much harder than it sounds. Back then, I only made ninety cents per hour, plus ten cents for every basket I picked. I didn’t mind having to work so hard every day, if the living conditions had only been a little better. I had to pay $2.00 per day just to live in a tiny little shack with no electricity or water, and since money was so tight, my 10 year old had to illegally work in the fields. I had resigned myself that life wasn’t going to get much better than this, and comforted myself with the knowledge that at least this was a better life than I would have had in Mexico. Then one day I ran across a flyer that asked Mexican agricultural workers to join the Filipino workers in striking against the Delano grape growers, so that our wages would be increased to $1.25 per hour. I had always thought that our back-breaking work was worth more than 90 cents an hour, so I went to the meeting. There, I saw Cesar Chavez, the leader of the movement. He gave an inspirational speech about demanding our rights as workers, and almost everyone there voted to join the strike. Once we went on strike in Delano, the growers though we were replaceable and they just hired other Chicano workers in our place. But every day, we would rotate what farms we would go to and picket, and more often than not, we would get those strikebreakers to join our strike. Then Cesar asked the country to boycott grapes, and explained our unjust working ...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
ACT Score Range Whats Good
ACT Score Range What's Good SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re planning on taking the ACT, you’re probably wondering what you can expect in terms of scores. In this article, I’ll take you through the basics of how the test is scored, show you where your scores fall in relation to other students, and give you a few tips on how to plan your studying to meet your goals. ACT Score Range: The Basics On the ACT, your composite score can be anywhere from a 1 to a 36.Unlike the SAT, the composite score is not the sum of the scores of the other tests - it’s the average. The ACT has four sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science.Each one is also scored on a scale of 1 to 36, and the average of these four scores will make up your composite score. The ACT doesn’t have an incorrect answer penalty, so your raw score on each section is just the number of questions you get right. Any questions you answer incorrectly or omit will not count towards your score.English has 75 questions, Math has 60, Reading has 40, and Science also has 40. Check out this sample conversion chart to see how raw scores are converted to the final scores on a scale of 1-36: (note that different tests have different raw score to scaled score conversion charts, but this is generally the right idea). The ACT also has an optional essay, but the Writing section will not impact your composite score or any of your test subscores. You will get a score from 2 to 12 on your essay in four different assessment categories. Your total Writing score will be out of 36 just like the other sections.The ACT gives you an English Language Arts (ELA) score as well, which is the average of your English, Reading, and Writing subscores, but again, this doesn’t factor into your final composite score. Average ACT Scores The national average composite ACT score for the class of 2014 was a 20.Average scores for subsections were: English: 19-20Math: 19-20Reading: 20-21Science: 20-21 If you’re scoring in this range, you’re already scoring higher than 50% of students who take the ACT and will have a good shot at getting into many colleges.Keep in mind, however, that national averages might not be the most relevant to your individual situation. You should look up the average scores for schools you’re interested in to figure out what target scoreto shoot for.If you’re hoping to attend a very selective school, you might need to set your sights on a score in the 34-36 range.At MIT, for example, the 75th percentile composite ACT score for admitted students in 2014 was a 35.When you look at the averages for your school of choice, you should try and aim for the 75th percentile score (higher than 75% of admitted students)because it will give you the best chance of admission. Also keep in mind that someschools want you to submit the ACT Writing score, and some don’t care about it.This is an important factor to take into account both when studying and when deciding whether to sign up for the ACT with or without Writing. MIT: A lush sanctuary where geeks can run free Studying for Your Score Goals You might know where you fall in terms of your ACT score range if you’ve already taken the test.If not, try out a practice test (with appropriate time constraints!), and see how you do.If you find that you still need to improve your scores quite a bit, don’t worry! If you come up with a solid study plan, you should be able to get them up where you want them to be by the time the test rolls around. I’ll give some brief guidelines below about how long you should study for different point improvements.For more info check out our complete study plan for the ACT and a guide I wrote on how long you should study. I’m Looking to Improve by 1-2 Points This is a very doable goal, even if you start studying only a couple months in advance of the test.Improving 1-2 points should take around 20 total hours of studying.This means that if you study for about two hours every week for two months, you should be able to meet your score goals.If you want, you can even space out your studying for a few more months so you only have to devote an hour a week to ACT prep. I’m Looking to Improve by 4 Points This is a pretty significant improvement, so you’re going to have to put in a bit more time.A four point improvement usually means around 40-50 hours of studying.You could choose to start studying two months in advance and plan out five hours a week if you prefer longer, more intense study sessions.If you’d rather spread it out more, try studying for two hours a week for five or six months instead. I’m Looking to Improve by 6 or More Points This level of improvement is going to require a lot of hard work.For a score increase of six or more points, you’ll most likely need 150+ hours of study time.This means starting early and committing to study sessions every week.If you start studying six months before the test, schedule out five hours a week to devote to ACT prep. You should also remember that your studying needs to be high quality in order for you to see results!This means figuring out what types of questions cause you problems and then practicing similar questions over and over.You'll have to take the time to really understand your mistakes before you start to see positive changes in your scores. Summary Here are some of the main points you should remember about ACT scoring: The ACT gives you a composite score on a scale of 1 to 36 There are four subtests in English, Math, Reading, and Science, and each is also scored from 1 to 36 These four tests are averaged to make up your composite score The average ACT composite score is around a 20 nationally To figure out the score range you should be aiming for, look up the 75th percentile scores of admitted students for schools where you plan to apply. This will give you a better sense of how much time you should devote to studying.Even if the gap between your current scores and your goal is pretty large, with enough planning and focused studying, you should be able to beat the test! What's Next? ACT Score Choice and Superscoring are two policies that might impact which of your scores colleges see. Read more about what they are and what they mean for you here and here. Still not sure whether you should take the ACT or the SAT? Learn more about which one is best for you. For more information on ACT scores, read this article on how to get and interpret your results. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Planning Activity Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Planning Activity - Research Proposal Example I have engineers, technicians, chemists, supervisors and laborers working under me. My task is to approve of the right formula for each thing produced to start with. I instruct the engineers taking care of boiler and freezer maintenance to variously monitor the atmosphere for each production function. The supervisors and foremen report faults, if any to me. Since this factory runs each day of the year the inventory also has to be procured and maintained in a safe and proper condition. The perishable goods produced are to be stored in hygienic conditions under the right temperature. Task 3 is the most important because faulty raw materials in turn produce low quality products. The freshness, durability, microbial content, right amount of lipids and other contents of raw milk decide the right taste that will be derived from the end produce. Task 4 becomes easy once proper planning has been done beforehand. It requires a lot more teamwork with the technicians and engineers involved. The maintenance of machinery on a regular basis is of utmost importance as even a small hitch can affect the entire process. Task 5 is very important as the end product consumed by consumers of all age groups needs to be of excellent quality. Quality can never be compromised especially in the case of perishable goods. The shelf life of milk, butter and cheese is printed on the packs to intimate the users of safe usage. Complaints if any, received are seriously considered and errors eliminated. Task 6 is an easy one but also involves answering to the top management on the production done daily/weekly or monthly. KSAO for this job: Knowledge needed is of a highly technical nature. The management of all the functions requires a fair degree of familiarity with business concepts. Skills required are a combination of food processing know how and people, inventory and machine management, Abilities needed include proficiency with the entire gamut of production functions starting from inventory to designing to basic engineering and Other characteristics: The other characteristics needed for the job of a production manager are people management skills in such a way that there is proper communication between various departments involved. There is always the necessity for willingness to learn, to improve and develop products to suit the current trends APPENDIX B: CONTEXT OF JOB PERFORMANCE: The job is on a daily basis and performed as a second line managerial job and is directly under the management head. The context of performance of this job is daily monitoring of an
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Comparison of Uncle Tom's Cabin(by Harriet Beecher Stowe and Surfacing Essay
Comparison of Uncle Tom's Cabin(by Harriet Beecher Stowe and Surfacing (byMargaret Atwood) - Essay Example In contrast, Stowe would show the transcendent in the ordinary life through the singularity of the individual. For Stowe, the individuals are unique not because they are very different from one another but because they are alike in being unique types of the same spiritual truth. Stowe presents a sentimental type of person, which is therefore presenting a taxonomic view of the individual. The individual mirrors a set of personal emotions which convery universal truths and moral claims that is replete with the complex and contrasting influences of the social, religious, and political discourses. In the opening scene of Uncle Tom’s cabin, Stowe presents the common figure of â€Å"the gentleman†and highlights the role of Haley from the given group. Haley was described as a crude person with a gaudy vest with many colors, coarse speech and gaudy hands and a free and easy speech. In her writing, she emphasized the capacity of physical appearances to influence the reader. She explained how a commercial transaction had penetrated the domestic front and she had showed how these transactions threaten the very moral and social levels that make one social group distinct from another. The novel showed the fact that Tom is a Christian and has never cheated Shelby. The exceptional moral stature of Tom makes him a valuable asset on the slave market. Stowe also described the New England household which is characterized by incessant and uninterrupted household work. Her specific descriptions of the novel’s characters revealed a strong ethic of self-reliance and hard w ork as shown by the character of Ophelia. Stowe also features the first of Christian virtues: cleanliness. After one of the characters of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Ophelia, changes the young girls shirt, the sight of Topsys whip-scarred back changes Ophelias hardened rectitude and racism. The description of the welts at Topsy’s back showed the predatory
Friday, January 24, 2020
Viewing Terrorism through Social Psychology Essay -- Psychology
Acts of terrorism are becoming increasingly common in today's society. From the frequent suicide bombings in Israel, the recent violence in the Russian village of Beslan, to the attacks on the world trade centers on September the eleventh of 2001 that so violently shook the world; terrorism is rarely far from our minds. Terrorist groups have a variety of aims, acts of revenge, politics, but by far the most common, and arguably most disturbing reason for these actions is religion. It is exceptionally important that we can learn to understand the forces that drive people to commit such wanton acts of destruction, and social psychology can help us to do that. Social psychology is a diverse field of study, it is "the scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior in social situations" (Social Psychology, Baron and Byrne). In social psychology we study the social factors which influence the individual to carry out certain actions, thus it is invaluable in studying terrorism. Social psychologists study both the immediate social context (the influence of whatever group we are in the immediate company of) and the wider social context (the effects of family, culture etc) both of which have great effect on personality, belief and behavior. An example of the effect of the immediate social context are the experiments carried out by Stanley Milgram. Milgram carried out a series of social psychology experiments into proximity and willingness of humans to cause pain to others using an electrocution device. The test also involved however the use of an authority figure to issue orders to carry out the electric shock. Milgram put volunteers in pairs and assigned one the role of teache... ...e understanding, to change an attitude so vastly of a devout person into a vicious killer it takes a depth of belief that no experimentation can understand, it goes beyond measurement and scale. Social psychology can indeed help us to understand terrorism, but I does not tell the full story, in the words of David Hume (A treatise of human nature) "this difficulty is to hard for my understanding." References David Hume: A treatise of human nature (Penguin Classics, 1969) L.B.Brown: Psychology and Religion (Penguin Education,1973) Baron and Byrne: Social Psychology ( Mark Juergensmeyer: Terror in the mind of God (University of California press, 2000) Roy F Baumeister: Evil, inside human violence and cruelty (W.H. Freeman and company, 1997) The Holy Bible: Mt 10:34 John Radford and Ernest Govier: A textbook of Psychology (Sheldon press, 1980)
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Philip K. Dick Essay
During his lifetime, Philip K. Dick was able to achieve some success in the publication of his science fiction short stories and even published 16 novels in the course of just seven years in the early 1960s, but the author was always frustrated with his lack of mainstream success. The problem, of course, was that Dick was a man ahead of his time. Since his death, seven of his works have been made into motion picturesâ€â€a number surpassed only by Stephen King (Sutin 1). But the reasons for the change may have as much to do with a changing society as it did with the man himself. Arguably, Dick may not have been easy to work with. During the initial work on â€Å"Blade Runner†, Dick who was not directly involved in the project gave an interview criticizing the film adaptation. He was later shown a preview of some of the special effects and the working script before his death and is said to have been pleased with it (Sutin 1). Regardless of his later reaction to the script, Dick was a troubled man. He was first diagnosed as a schizophrenic when he was in seventh grade and later mental evaluations both differed and verified the diagnosis. Regardless of the specifics, it is clear that Dick suffered from a severe form of mental illness in addition to a drug problem (Sutin 1). And, in 1974, he had what most people would have classified as an encounter with extraterrestrials. Though he never called it such and openly discussed the possibility that the visions and auditory events may have been hallucinations brought on by his mental illness, the reports of the incident did nothing to make him appear more stable. Since his death, the rights to his work have been handled by a trust comprised of his three children who seek to maintain his work as he envisioned it (â€Å"Philip K. Dick†1). But it is also more likely that the sudden interest in Dick’s work has more to do with the work itself than the loss of the man that created it. Most of his science fiction deals with a dark future, much more bleak than the greed is good 1980s would have found appropriate. Indeed, science fiction films before â€Å"Blade Runner†and especially before â€Å"Star Wars†were more fantastical voyages beyond the stars than the complex moral and ethical dilemmas set forth in Dick’s work. â€Å"Blade Runner†forces the viewer/reader to contemplate issues of humanity and the questions of genetic research and to some extent the definition of life and the soul. â€Å"Minority Report†asks questions about free will and â€Å"Total Recall†makes us evaluate greed when it applies to things we have always taken for granted, like air. ‘Paycheck†leads to the question of whether a person would be willing to sacrifice all his memories for money and if, having said yes, he should be able to change his mind. Like Fitzgerald needed the Jazz Age, Dick needed the modern word. â€Å"Total Recall’ fit perfectly into the end of the decade of greed when people were beginning to rethink their priorities. After the cloning of Dolly the sheep and seemingly endless technological advances, the ethical dilemmas of â€Å"Minority Report†, â€Å"Blade Runner†and â€Å"paycheck†no longer seem like such outlandish ideas. These are true horror stories of real life ethics. And, Dick needed George Lucas to pave the way. Until the 1970s, science fiction was still a small branch of mainstream fiction. There had been Lost in Space and Star Trek, to try to bring the genre to the masses, but it was still a fringe culture until â€Å"Star Wars†made science fiction a real movie genre with real viewers. By taking a classic plot line and superimposing it on a background of outer space with special effects and a love story and an action movie, Lucas changed the face of science fiction. More readers were attracted to the genre and more viewers were attracted to science fiction movies. Then, studios could approach the body of work already completed by â€Å"Dick and not have to deal with any of the original writer’s foibles or personality defects and have a readymade supply for their newest hit genre. So, they did. Works Cited â€Å"Philip K. Dick†, , Accessed December 16, 2007. Sutin, Lawrence. â€Å"Philip K. Dick, 1928-1982†, 2003, Accessed December 16, 2007.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The New Public Management ( Npm ) Essay - 3668 Words
NPM is a reality. NPM has come to stay and as a conception it will continue to dominate as long as market remains our focus of attention. Inception New public management (NPM) is basically management techniques and practices come from private sector. Now it is a global phenomenon. NPM emphasizes actually on shifting the traditional public administration to new public management. The key elements of NPM including various forms of decentralization within the public sector, the creation of autonomous agencies, reducing corruption in public administration, budgeting digitally, market focused economy and increasing performance, outputs and customers oriented services. From the very beginning, NPM was largely seen in the developed counties. It was particularly considered as Anglo-Saxon phenomenon. In the ninety decades, the implications of NPM techniques and rules came into developing countries with a transitional economy. The principles of NPM discussed in this assignment are the management decentralization with public sectors, downsizing, performance contracting and eradicating corruptions from the administration. They are being applied in crisis state but not in violent and consistent manner. It is known all over the world that performance contracting and contracting out have might be common policy in various numbers of crisis states. It has been adopted as instrument to reform a state owned entrepreneurship, grading the managers more operation. Freedom when holds themShow MoreRelatedNew Public Management ( Npm )1383 Words  | 6 PagesNew Public Management (NPM) was developed in response to some criticisms of the public sector. One of them is to make the public sector more financially accountable since they need to demonstrate to the government who provides them funding, that the money is being put into good use. They also need to ensure efficient resource allocation (Peyton) because resources are limited yet there is an increase in expectations and demands. For example, number of public hospitals and medical expertise may beRead MoreFunding Infertility Treatment: The Impact of New Public Management.772 Words  | 3 Pagesthrough their health plans. Section one wi ll examine New Public Management style of public administration. This section will look at why New Public Management developed. Who was the first government to use NPM. The benefits and cons of NPM. Section two will look at the economical side effect of NPM and lack of publicly funding IVF. This section will examine how NPM affects infertility individuals that need IVF. It will also look at how NPM has provincial health plans. The Third section will compareRead MoreNpm And Performance Management Related Literatures1344 Words  | 6 PagesLITERATURE REVIEW â€Å"The NPM Model has focused on delivering market-inspired results and was primarily concerned with efficiency and performance.†(Jarrar and Schiuma, 2007) 2.1. INTRODUCTION Efficiency and performance become two key words for the reform that held by countries in the world. Started in the developed countries, namely United Kingdom and United States under their leader, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan era, this doctrine then spread to Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Africa, LatinRead MoreEvolution Of Public Administration Approaches1695 Words  | 7 PagesEvolution of Public Administration Approaches The roots of public administration can be traced back to 400 B.C. when Plato developed the concept of democracy, but more recently, economist Fredric W. 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This paper will uncover these reforms by discussing the establishment, core principlesRead MoreExternal Changes And Internal Reforms Of The Last 40 Years1480 Words  | 6 Pagesreform, new public management. Although the issue of Europeanisation is raised when discussing the state’s retreatment, I will focus on the topic of globalisation. This is because of the loss of power, sovereignty and nationality the state has suffered. The liberal democratic state has been in retreat due to its fragmentation and diminished accountability caused by the internal reform: new public management (NPM). NPM is an attempt to reform the public sector through the application of management techniquesRead MoreWeber s Stress On The Formal Aspect Of Organization952 Words  | 4 Pagesa value-free bureaucracy rather doubtful. During the 1980’s and 1990’s the New Public Management approach placed focus on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of government organizations, instruments and programs, and higher quality service delivery. This new model of public sector management, often regarded by many authors as not a reform of the traditional public administration, but a transformation of the public sector and its relationship with government and society†(Hoos, J., G.JeneiRead MoreSpanish National Health System Case Study878 Words  | 4 Pagesa social and political context outlined by 1970s recession and the consequent rise of neoliberal theories. Indeed, following the international oil crisis, the eighties witnessed the growth of the New Public Management (NPM) approaches about running public sector (Simonet, 2013). Efforts to make the public administration more businesslike would forever mark the transformation of the European Welfare States (Harvey, 2005), prompting then a sig nificant effect configuring the newborn Spanish Health SystemRead MoreEssay on Approaches to Public Administration840 Words  | 4 Pages| Approaches to Public Administration | | | Reuby Benson | 3/18/2012 | | There are different approaches to running a government. There are those that believe that the government should be run like a private business. Then there are those that believe in representativeness and the separation of powers that rest in the government to properly operate the government. There are also those who believe that the government should adhere to the strictest letter of the law. I look to describeRead MoreThe New Public Management Approach to Regulations626 Words  | 3 PagesLaws, laws, laws, are something that America has strived to uphold over the years in order to be successful. That will be the first subject of our questions today. I will give insight to whether NPM can coincide in a regulatory environment where legal and political approaches are often controlling. In order to answer this question, we must first look at what actually foster’s the regulatory environment. Since the origins of regulations here in America, I believe federal organizations have had the
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