Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Making Literary Matter essay
buy custom Making Literary Matter essay Literature can be defined as mans investigation of man by synthetic light, which is superior to natural light for the reason that we can direct it where we want. Through literature, a student learns to scrutinize thoughts and events empathetically. Once a reader is able to make out with the character and his crisis in a story and view life from the characters perspective, he or she begins to share the writers point of view and thus begins to read with positive reception. By reading this way, the reader responds expressively and academically. This enlightens, humanizes, and sensitizes the reader. By reading and analyzing the selection of stories, poems, plays, and novels, the understanding of ideas and attitudes about literature changes. By analyzing, the reader gets to know the explanation of a literature work. This analysis shows how the possessions of literature are used to generate the meaningfulness of the wording. The reader gets a deeper understanding of an effusive appreciation of the literature. After reading and analyzing a work of literature, the reader becomes aware of the enriching delineations of a written work and its underlying ideological aspects. The art work used in literature is to be found historically, socially, and rationally. The works ar printed and comprehended at scrupulous time, with exacting intents, under meticulous remarkable circumstances. We also see ideas in operation through art. This can be useful to us when it comes to understanding our own customs and moments in time. Through close reading and through deep manifestation we get an understanding of feelings, in a manner in which they are talked about in our culture or in other epochs and cultures. This gives us a good judgment of both of communities meanings as well as diverse kinds of perception that can be in relation to matters of significance in the human life. We get to access the figurative words of communities, their ideas about life, and their feelings concerning them. Peoples imaginations are well depicted in the way they relate them to different aspects of their lives. Fiction in the literature is generally a representation of reality in some way. Any literature work is always presented through the symbols and codes of individual meanings and communication systems. Most of the narratives are very substantial and hold closely to occasion and situation, thus representing daily proceedings. Moral and spiritual aspects may also be represented through cryptogram; characters used characteristically, implausible events, and other devices. This can escort to a more percceptive and powerful use of the tools of the meaning on the readers part. Literature describes reality and adds to it. When an individual is exposed to good literary works, he or she is provided with the most excellent education opportunities. Exposing the reader to technical writings such as those on logistics and mathematics provides him with technical know-how which spices human life. Classical literature work serves as a food for accepted wisdom and a stimulant for mind's eye and inventiveness. Conclusion Literatures thus serve as a massive source of information. Famous scientists and outstanding scientists often recount stories of their revolutionary discoveries and inferences. The continuing developments in the fields of science and technology are documented for the world to access them with ease and know about them. These documents have constantly served as a bona fide source of information from all around the world. This can be of great help to the reader as he gets to understand the dynamics of the world. As a result of reading a well-written literature, a reader can learn how to compose a good story, up-to-the-minute vocabularies, and even get exposure to acceptable spelling and punctuation. This provides more routine benefits to the reader. Buy custom Making Literary Matter essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America Term Paper
Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America - Term Paper Example Due to her personal need, the management is left with considerable options how they could continuously perform operation on a normal basis, and without interrupting the possible opportunities of Nickelodeon in Latin America in the future. This report tries to recommend important suggestions how the organization could effectively emancipate action based on these crucial concerns without possibly compromising its future opportunities in Latin America. This report starts with the actual issues and assumptions of the actual scenario Nickelodeon in Latin America is facing. This is followed by a brief analysis of management functions which have been playing elemental role towards the success of Taran from the past and even for future achievement of best opportunities. Problems are presented and the required actions to address them are also elaborated in detail. Keywords: Nickelodeon, management functions, management, leadership Issues and Assumptions Taran Swan, branch director and general manager of Nickelodeon Latin America is faced with various options how she could deliver her role effectively far from Miami to New York after her doctor recommended she had to stay at home for the duration of her pregnancy. This is not going to be an easy situation on her part especially that there were major projects that could either make or break Nickelodeon in the future such as the Cablevision/TCI and the Brazil-dedicated feed. Swan was faced with two major important issues in order to effectively manage or lead her team. She needs to consider her leadership style and working relationships while working with her team from afar. Then she also needs to consider a possibility of appointing an interim director who would take her post while she is absent, which for her, needs to have substantive criteria and evaluations. Assuming Swan would continue work with her team so as to ensure maximum achievement of various opportunities like those for Cablevision/TCI and the Brazil-dedicat ed feed even at a far distance, she therefore needs to enhance her ability to formulate and initiate the whole plan, extra-organize her team, lead them and even ensure a high level of control. Assuming further that she would appoint interim director for the mean time, Swan should therefore consider certain criteria in order to choose the one with excellent qualification that would be able to fit to the prevailing task. Swan needs to consider strategic human resource management which would include but also may not limit to human resource selection process. The case â€Å"Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America†based on the above issues and assumptions is therefore composed of complex management activities which can be subdivided into four functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Analysis Planning The first management function clearly indicated in the case is planning. Obviously it is here where Swan started everything how she was able to prove herself that sh e could actually make it to Nickelodeon Latin America as a branch director and general manager. In the industry where Nickelodeon belongs, planning plays a crucial role as a gateway to its success. As a novice in Nickelodeon business from the beginning, Taran learned to appreciate the significance of planning activity, and she found at the later part there were more complex things to be considered in the actual planning activity rather than relying on pure assumptions and estimates or projections. Planning has become integral part to leapfrog company’s success and achieve competitive advantage (Porter, 1998; Schnaars, 1998). In planning activity, Swan was able to understand the importance of ensuring the achievement of a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Evaluation and Dissemination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evaluation and Dissemination - Research Paper Example Moreover, examining of costs and pre-allocated resource constraints that had been included in the activities can also enable to identify the level of success of a strategy. In addition, a process of identifying different strategic measures and practices that were executed to deal with different risks or challenges and evaluating their outcomes can also facilitate to measure the level of success of a particular business strategy (Dobbins et al., 2002). Dissemination of findings has major significance as it helps to understand about changes and provides effective directions to achieve postulated goals. The communication plan will be conducted for sharing findings by involving individuals and transmitting changes that can enable them to increase their operational efficiency. In this context, safeguarding an open and clear communication of the success of a strategy can enable each individual to increase their efficiency. Moreover, dissemination of key strategic measures and practices that were executed can further enable each individual to ratify their operational skills and help to identify effective set of practices. The communication process includes reporting system wherein all the strategic measures and practices are discussed with both internal and external groups of stakeholders. The process will enable to increase validity, reliability and value of the organization towards its stakeholders and ensure to build long-term sustai nability (Durlak & DuPre, 2008). Dobbins, M., Ciliska, D., Cockerill, R., Barnsley, J., & DiCenso, A. (2002). A framework for the dissemination and utilization of research for health-care policy and practice. Sigma Theta Tau International, 9(7), 1-12. Durlak, J. A., & DuPre, E. P. (2008). Implementation matters: A review of research on the influence of implementation on program outcomes and the factors affecting implementation. Am J Community Psychol, 42,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Public Speaking and Success Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Public Speaking and Success - Term Paper Example Even a cursory perusal of the human history testifies to the fact that the leaders in all ages and times, was it Alexander, Caesar, George Washington, Churchill, Kennedy or Martin Luther King owed a great part of their success to their public speaking skills. Public speaking is not merely about speaking, but rather involves a range of factors and attributes that help a competent public speaker emerge as a natural leader and a success story. Public Speaking Bolsters Self Confidence Self confidence is primarily about having an unshakable faith in one’s beliefs, values and aspirations. Almost everybody agrees to the fact that public speaking is a challenge. It goes without saying that the willingness on the part of an individual to embrace a challenge, especially a challenge of the nature of public speaking that involves public audience is bound to make a person confident and self assured (Davidson 36). The very ability to convey one’s thoughts and feelings to an audience in a way that is interesting, involving and attention grabbing could positively be expected to do much good to a person’s self confidence and self esteem (Davidson 36). In the realm of public speaking there is always a risk involved of ending up being a laughing stock of the people or getting oneself misunderstood (Davidson 112). Every time an individual dares to embrace this risk, one adds loads of substance and gumption to one’s personality. Eventually this faith in oneself infiltrates the varied other aspects of a person’s life and helps one face the challenges posed by life with an attitude of courage and daring that is the mark of a true leader. Public speaking instills an attitude of risk taking and a spirit of adventure in a person that make that person grasp the challenges posed by life with calm and poise. For what could be a better measure of faith in one’s beliefs and aspirations than the willingness to express it before people. Public Speaking Enhances Visibility Irrespective of the existence of a millions of books on the topic of leadership and a range of courses existing in the academic institutions aimed at enhancing leadership abilities, the reality is that leadership is a scarce public resource in varied facets of public life, be it politics, business, academics, religion or social service. In society there is no dearth of individuals who are competent and accomplished, yet not all manage to emerge as a leader. Public speaking enhances the visibility coefficient of an individual (Davidson 15). Besides, the willingness to speak before people in itself conveys much about the potential and abilities of a person. Of what use is all the accomplishment and ability of a person if the people who matter do not know about him. In contrast, even people with mediocre skills and proficiencies end up projecting themselves as capable and willing, every time they ascend the stage to express their views. Hence, when it comes to choo sing a leader, be it in the chambers of business and commerce, neighborhood clubs, social associations or academic programs, people mostly do not opt for the person who is most accomplished, but rather vie for the person who had been most visible. Public speaking is the most accessible and cheapest avenue for advertising oneself and one’s abilities. Transference of Skills Almost every successful public speaker and leader will undeniably and unexceptionally testify to the fact that
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Analyzing Leadership and Motivation Styles at Tata Steel
Analyzing Leadership and Motivation Styles at Tata Steel As we all know that the steel is an important item which implies the evolution and prosperity of any nation .The steel industry is basically a start-up for the development of any country .For an overall growth of India ,which is emerging as an expeditiously industrialized country ,it was very essential to accomplish the technological change in the making of iron and steel .Today ,some of the top nations which produces steel are developing countries .For instance ,China is one of the largest steel producing country in the world .Indias position is tenth as mentioned in Wilhelm 1998,Steel Scenario Yearbook,1998.India being a large deposit of iron-ore ,a low labour workforce ,highly qualified manpower resources but still it could not generate the required thrust in order to bring the technological changes. Developing countries cannot always afford to build up or extend their own technologies .They need sometimes to bring technologies from other developed countries .The characteristics of socio-economic factors of India have greatly influenced the technological growth of the country in general .India turn out to be having a good technology base and also has developed a high level of adequate quality in the areas of information technology ,atomic energy and space sciences. In such case when India was emerging to be a developing nation,I would like to state about one of the leader whose leadership skills and motivation styles took India to great level of technology and growth and prosperity features. Jamsedji Nusserwanji Tata was one of the leader whose continuous innovations led India to develop a lot.He was born in a Parsi family on march 3,1839. At the age of 14,he came to Bombay and in 1868,at the age of 29,he started a private trading firm with a small capital of Rs 21,000.During this period,he travelled a lot to various places which inspired in him the desire to set up a bankrupt oil mill and then he convert it into cotton mill where cotton goods were manufactured and was named as Alexander Mill.His continuous efforts and inspirations led him to develop and launch few mills which were supported by Indian shareholders.He was a unique personality.He not only thought about the innovative ways to manufacture textiles and gain profit from them but he also devised new labour practices which satisfied his employees.He always mentioned that its not just his personal success but also for all those employess who have worked for him. Jamshedji was such a nationalist who made significant remarks of the industrial revolution and came to the conclusion that the economic self-sufficiency should go hand in hand with political independence and thus he then made three important basic ingredients: the steel is very important and can be addressed as the mother of heavy industry; hydroelectric power was the cheapest energy to be generated and finally, the technical education. A report on the rich iron ore deposits in India highly motivated him to set up a steel plant for the nation.He researched for years about the process of making the steel and also travelled to Europe and the US for technical advice from other revolutionary thinkers and nationalists.Due to his leadership skills,he was able to set and start a steel plant.The Tata iron and Steel was formed in 1907,in Jamshedpur,in Jharkhand.Also in 1892,he endowed an investment for deserving students for their higher education in abroad.He basically envisioned a national system of education and research institutes in the fields of science and technology,medicine,philosophy and arts. Unfortunately,he was not able to achieve all the three key ideas that he had in mind during his lifetime.The achievement he had was that he had completed Taj Mahal. The Tata Iron and Steel Company grew rapidly and by 1911,its production increased upto 70,000 tons of iron per year .According to the Dictionary of National Biography,the entire industry would support 60,000 workers and their dependants which was truly a high number.Jamshedji was renowed for his enthusiasm embrace innovations and use them not only to improve not only his business but also the lives of the Indian people.He was the first man in India to use rubber tires on his carriage and the first to drive an automobile in the Mumbai city.As the Dictionary of national Biography noted,he characteristically showed ,first,an extensive imagination and keen perception,next a scientific and calculating study of the project and all that is involved and finally a high capacity for organization.He was a man of simple values and perceptions and he scorned publicly or self-adverstisement.Though he passed away by the time,his spirits and efforts were carried forward by his son RD Tata and his co usin Dorabji. Jamshedji was a man whose leadership skills and motivations styles made the plant established,thought about the welfare of his employees.He not only envisioned a emphasized and dynamic workforce but he also envisioned a planned city with a lot of greenery around. Leadership according to JRD meant motivating others, As a chairman,my main responsibility is to inspire respect. According to JRD,the quality had to match innovation.He repeatedly stressed , If you want excellence ,you must aim at perfection. The symbol T has to be the symbol of quality.He was the man who was known for his renowed brand comprising the total quality of the Tata group. Tata too believed in the positive Pygmalion effect towards his employees.He asked the question ,if the workers or employees were being treated exceptionally well,why were they frequently discontented and suspect and hostile towards the company? According to Tata,the viewpoint of any successful labour policy depends upon making the employees feel what they wanted. He was a man who continuously believed in the positive Pygmalion effect which led to a great extension of the Tata group with the help of all the motivated and inspired employees. Thus Tata Steel became one of the earliest companies in India who had a dedicated human resources department.JRD was Indias most well known industrialist,widely respected for his massive contribution to the development of Indian Industry and aviation in particular.Some of the leadership skills about JRD Tata can be stated as follows :approachable,realistic,charismatic,courageous,compassionate,supportive towards innovation,aware of a sense of responsibility,committed to values and a visionary.Jamshedji and Tata both proved themselves to be an authentic leaders and had set a vision for Tata group. Tata Iron and Steel set up in 1907 comes under Tata group which is a private multinational firm with its headquarters at Mumbai.The present chairman is Ratan Tata who took over from JRD Tata in 1991.With the continuous efforts ,its operations covers many fields related to industry,application engineering,information technology,communications,materials,automotive,chemical energy,telecommunications,softwares,hotels,steel and consumer goods. Mission: The aim of the Tata Group is to improve the quality of life in the society by virtue of integrity,understanding,excellence,unity and responsibility. The Tata Group is 150 years old.It currently comprises 96 operating countries,which together employed some 357,000 people worldwide and had enough revenues of US $ 72.5 billion (Feb 2009).It exports products and services to one hundred and forty nations.The Charitable trust of Tata holds 65.8% of the ownership of Tata Group.The production in Tata Steel actually started in 1912 and produces steel at the lowest cost in the world.In 1910,the Tata Hydro-electric Power Supply company was set up. Today the extension of the Tata Group is really remarkable.Tata offers management,economic and financial services.It offers great services in investments and market shares.It is linked to consumer durables like tea,watches,gold,diamonds ; information and communication systems like TCS,Nelco,Tata Infotech,VSNL,Tatanet. Current Financial Crisis: Due to the global financial market crisis,the demand in the steel and its related products has led a drop down.But Tata Steel has still expressed the tendancy for the best possible outcome about retaining its position as one of the worlds largest steel makers.According to media reports ,in October 2008,company vice president ,Partho Sengupta claimed that Tata steel was deliberately well planned to handle the current financial crisis. Awards and Achievements: The Tata Steel was awarded Deming Application Prize in 2008 for Total Quality Management. It is very clear that the leaders are very clear about what they are making and also very flexible about how it gets made.The leaders can make and remake organizations.Jamshedji and Tata were such leaders who were succeeded in embarking on brand building expedition and whose goal was to unify the distinct and diffuse enterprise . Tata brand has strengthen its leadership position on all parameters and those parameters includes knowledge of the business environment,dynamism,workplace quality,quality of products and services ,consistency,reputation and renowed. The Tata Group can be called as a unique assest which represents Leadership with Trust. It provides complete management and financial resources to emerge and develop globally competitive skills to succeed in this endeavor.Tata has strong values where vision and mission comprises of ensuring growth and developing sustainable value to all stakeholders.It mainly focus on the culture of sustainability.It believes in collaboration mea ns it believes in achieving success through teamwork,within employees and partners.Its values composes of care or concern about the well being of its employees and bettering its standards continuously with passion and pride. According to Ratan Tata,in addition to good leadership and management,loyalty must be earned by managers and employees.Hes gentle,kind manner give rise to loyalty and yet he encourages his manager to make tough decisions. I am highly inspired by the leadership skills and motivating styles of such great leaders who have really worked for the growth and prosperity of the nation.Their inspirational motivations associates them to commit to the vision of the organization which in turn had also encourage the employees to reach the goals.I firmly believe that their innovations and creativity had really has a challenging effect on the normal beliefs of the people.They are the real leaders who had individual consideration with each of its associates which help them to reach goals of the organization.Today the Tata group is a renowned company which inspires confidence in its employees,encourage employees to volunteer to perform tasks and high employee satisfaction.This is the reason why the leading brand of Tata group is able to maintain its position and becoming better with its own authenticity.Today,Tata deals with its costumers worldwide countries like China,Japan,Malaysia,Singapore,France,Germany. It is ver y true that the teamworks within any organization helps businesses to overcome all kinds of problems whether it is internally or externally.Moreover,corporate teamwork covers the whole information on how people can expand their knowledge through teamwork and how teamwork helps organization build and grow.Tata is a global growing company where employees keep emerging with their ideas of innovation.The big reason for this is the brand recognition of Tata.According to the Economist blogs,Tata has interests ranging from mineral water to steel.It has also become the symbol of Indias growing overseas.Its transformation into global scale is very large.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Wayne Gretzky - Comparison Of Two Biographies :: essays research papers
In this essay, I need to compare two biographies of a famous person. I will plot out the difference and compare the two books considering point of view, bias, aim, omission, interest and interpretation. This person is my hero and idol. He is one of the great player in the history of hockey. He set the all-time NHL scoring record in 26 seasons and got four Stanley cup in a row from 1984-1988. He is Wayne Gretzky, the most brilliant and talent hockey player in this century. Ichose the "Gretzky and Taylor" and "Gretzky with Rick Reilly.The book "Gretzky with Rick Reilly was an autobiography. It showed how Wayne Gretzky from his AHL to a famous NHL player. In this book, there were a lot of Gretzky's childhood. We knew that Wayne Gretzky could skate at two years old. He was well known by people at six. When he was ten, he was signing autographs and had a national magazine article written about him. A thirty- minutes national television show done on him at fifteen. It also talk about Gretzky's hero when he was a kid. He was a funny guy. He was Gretzky's hockey instructor. He was also his lacrosse, baseball basketball and cross country coach. He was not only coach, but also trainer and chauffeur. Gretzky called him dad, his name was Walter. However, in the book "Gretzky and Taylor", it did not show anything in Gretzky's childhood. It was started when Gretzky became the NHL player, a member of Edmonton Oiler's rookie. How he became the hall of the frame. The description of this book was very interesting. The writer show the thing through the game. For example the first chapter was talking about the 1984 Stanley Cup final between the Edmonton Oilers and New York Islander. "Wayne," he said, "don't worry about not scoring so far. Just make sure that when you do get a goal for us is a big one. " (Page 15 Gretzky and Taylor ) From this conversation, we could know what had happen at that time. So, there was different between the point of view of those two books. Although this two books had the different point of view, they both had the same aim. They also showed to young people that worked hard was the only source of success. In the book "Gretzky with Rick Reilly", Gretzky showed his talent when he was young.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dialectics has been considered as one of the three original liberal arts known to classical philosophers as the Trivium, with the other two as rhetoric and grammar Dialectics Dialectics has been considered as one of the three original liberal arts known to classical thinkers as the Trivium, with the other two as rhetoric and grammar. During the ancient times in Greece, dialectic's forte was at the affairs of persuasion, very much like its sister counterpart rhetoric. Dialectic's purpose was to resolve discrepancies and disagreements through logical and rational discourses.The simple approach and explanation to how dialectics work is through the three step process of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, which was postulated by a German idealist philosopher named Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel. He identified that for which, say a given premise, would be the emergence of a proposition (the theses) only later to be refuted (hence the anti-thesis of it). Being in this state of unacceptability, the only alternative is to arrive at a higher understanding or denial of the supposed presupposition of the thesis and anti-thesis forming a third proposition termed as the synthesis.A more simple and un-Hegelian example to understand dialectics is, let's suppose you just got a hold of a brand new cell phone. Being new to you, you have a limited understanding of it. You start on a state of ignorance knowing that its only purpose or the only reason for having one is to enable you to communicate. (thesis) Sooner or later, one way or another, the batteries will run out(assuming it is not a solar powered device) and it will stop functioning, hence the opposite of communicating or not being able to communicate. anti-thesis)Only then when you have a deeper understanding that for a cell phone to work and operate it needs a power source and learning the concept of recharging/changing the power source(a synthesis is reached and you gain a higher knowledge about the cell phone)will you get it to function properly again. Frederick Engels and Karl Marx, two very well-known revolutionary thinkers during their time applied this philosophical thought in studying the ideal and material condition of the world.It has been the theoretical foundation of Marxism which led to the development of dialectic materialism, which is simply the combination of Hegel's theory of Dialectics and Materialism and Historical Materialism, the application of dialectic materialism in studying history. The first principle of dialectics according to Frederick Engels is that everything, be it physical and material objects to real world processes, is made of opposing forces or opposing sides. (Fleck) To elaborate on this principle just look at everything around you.Everything works like a magnet. Objects hold each other because of the opposing forces that keep them from flying separately. The chair you sit on tries to break away from the earth, but the planet's gravity keeps it from doing so, the sun is he ld together by gravity which counteracts the nuclear reaction from its core. Even seemingly abstract concepts are made of opposites. For instance, to have an idea of the concept of bad, we need an idea of what is good, to have an idea of what is hot, we need an idea of what is cold and so forth.This is what Engel called the interpenetration of opposites which he frequently referred to as the unity of opposites. Many critics have argued on this property of dialectics which up to until now, many thinkers, new and old alike have yet to settle. Another important principle of dialectics that Engel stated in his work about dialectics is that in everything, gradual changes lead to turning points. (Fleck) What happens is that the two opposing forces in a process of change push against each other. Change would be gradual if one side is stronger than the other one.But when the other side becomes stronger, there is a turning point, much like when too much trees is cut down in a mountain slope, a mud slide occurs (turning point), you heat a kernel of corn until it turns into popcorn (turning point). This is what Engel referred to as the principle of the transformation of quantity into quality. Quantitative change results from the steady but continuous dominance of one opposing side or force. Things then follow a qualitative change when the other or opposite side dominates the other.The third principle of dialectics is that changes moves in spirals, not circles. (Fleck) Around us processes of change are cyclical in the sense that at first, one side dominates, then the other as in the cycle of day and night, breathing in and breathing out, one opposite then another. Engels claims things turn in cycles. However, it is not indispensable that they would return to where they came from and how they started. It is therefore cyclical but not circular. Change is ever-changing, moving in spirals.This principle is referred to by Engels as the law of negation of negation. This seeming ly complex principle, according to Engel goes on and on in everyday life. This happens when one side overpowers the other making the first negation. The dominated side then overpowers the dominating side at some point making the second negation. This is what law of negation of negation explains. In real-life drama, dialectics play a crucial role, in communication specifically in day-to-day normal conversations more than we ought to think.Traditionally, dialectics has been considered as a linguistic process that leads to generation of new ideas and thought by one's apprehension of a contradiction and paradox between two or more opposites. It layman's term, a conversation starts with stating a point of view followed by the others verification of its validity or questioning it from other points of view. In this whole conversation process, the clash of ideas or propositions trying to reach a consensual agreement which in turn is still ultimately questioned from other perspectives.Much l ike dialectics, in dialogues there is an imminent clash of ideas that are going on between individuals which ultimately lead to a consensus. The use of the dialectical approach or method in analyzing our history has long been used by its pioneer thinkers, more notable in arts, philosophy, science and religion. This may have been due to the analytical and critical capability of dialectics in explaining why and how changes occur which is essential for historians in probing the past.By pinpointing what stream of thinking and clashing ideas during a particular epoch, much can be surmised to wisely presuppose what will would or could happen next. Dialectics is essential in understanding fully the how's and the why's of how things happen. It provides the tool that gives wisdom on knowing the factors of change in a society and how it is ultimately molded and formed. Another concept that is noteworthy in the field of dialectics is called the â€Å"principal contradiction†, termed by Mao Zedong.This is defined as the contradiction in all things that needs to be resolved first and foremost. In determining what the principal contradiction in a thing, it is necessary to look at the overall or main goal of it. The three principle of dialectics namely. (1)the unity of opposites,(2)quantity into quality, and (3)negation of negation fits clearly on how to identify and possibly solve the principal contradiction in our society though it does not give a clear blueprint on what should be done.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The opening of a story with reference to essays
The opening of a story with reference to essays The opening of a story plays a significant role in introducing the ideas and issues that are addressed in a story. We all fall down by Robert Cormier is no exception to this. The opening of Cormiers book introduces the issues of deception, destruction and the idea that an event can affect every person differently. It is these ideas and issues that play an important role in the story. The issue of deception is present throughout we all fall down. The first time the reader acknowledges the idea of deception is when the avenger is describing his supposedly requited relationship with the Jeromes. The reader believes the avenger to be like a son and brother to the family. This incorrect idea only lasts a short while as the reader begins to question why, if he is such a significant part of the family, the avenger watched while the Jeromes house was being destroyed. The reader is introduced to the character Mickey Stallings, or Mickey Loony as he has been named by the children in the community, and they believe him to be just a neighborhood handy man even if he is a little loony. Not only are the other characters in the book lead to believe this but the reader is also. This idea is retained by both the reader and the character until his real identity is revealed towards the end of the book. At this time the deception surrounding Mickey Stallings and the avenger is revealed. The opening of we all fall down presents the reader with an image of the trashers. This image is that of disobedient teenage rebels seeking fun at the expense of other. This image is maintained until the avenger states that the trashers were regular kids, not sleazies rough guy or drop outs. Later in the book the avengers image of the trashers is enforced when we are introduced to the character Buddy walker, one of the ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Braque the Fogotten Cubist Master essays
Braque the Fogotten Cubist Master essays Although George Braque (May 13, 1882 - Aug. 31, 1963) was one of the most influential painters of the twentieth century his name is all but forgotten. He has received little credit for his efforts towards the creation of analytic cubism. Many art historians believe that his prestigious role as father of analytic cubism was cut short because of Picassos fame. Many arguments have arisen asking the question: Who is the father of cubism? There is no doubt that Picasso started the spark which ignited modern art movements with the creation of Les Demoiselles dAvignon.. But, soon after Picasso created this work Braque created Houses at LEstaque. This painting started the analytic phase of cubism. With this in mind, it can be stated that Picasso is the father of modern twentieth century art and Braque is the father of analytic cubism. George Braque is one of the most influential painters of the twentieth century. He co-worked with Picasso to create cubism and helped spark all the future art movements of the twentieth century. As well as this, he was the influence that made Picasso the fame that he was to become. Braque has never received the recognition he should have because of Picassos fame, but his personal position in the art community was high and his involvement with World War One was a major culprits that aided in his downfall in artistic popularity. Who the father of cubism?, has always been a question that has pondered the minds of art historians and scholars. It is clear though that both Braque and Picasso played their prominent role in the creation of cubism. Picasso provided, with his proto-Cubist "Demoiselles," the initial liberating shock. But it was Braque, largely because of his admiration for Cezanne, who provided much of the early tendency toward geometrical forms. Braques early tendency towards geometric form and cubes wa...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Using Mental Force of The Employees Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
Using Mental Force of The Employees - Thesis Example People pursue good health and will do anything new that will help them to live a better life. Corporates too do the same by pursuing strategies of improvements and breakthroughs that create new products and new markets. This is a continuous exercise and any let up, in health or corporate endeavours will invite a decline. Innovations are the engine that persuaded the corporates to innovate. The source of innovation is usually the entrepreneur. These are individuals that come up with new ideas of what the market is likely to want or desire. These people have usually gathered this knowledge through interaction with consumers. Sometimes it is the imaginative impulsive desire on their part to offer something new or different, at other times it is an improvement on previous knowledge. However in a corporate or large organisation environment it is often the employees who come up with innovative ideas because of their close contacts with consumers of the product or service of the company. They are very close to the ground realities and can be a great source of finding out the consumer desires or preferences. Although they are employees, they have the entrepreneurial spirit to meet the expectations. This gives them the same satisfaction an entrepreneur would feel on the success and acceptance of his innovative idea. Despite the fact that the urge to innovate exists equally in the entrepreneur and an employee, the larger companies usually ignore the employee contribution. There are not many companies that rely on their employees to contribute towards innovations. Some companies are seen to make a half hearted effort by offering reward for new or innovative ideas to their employees but there is no regulated or organised effort in this direction. There can be some results through rewards but these are few and far in between and just an improvement of the existing product or service and do not fall into the class of an innovation. It has been understood for very
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Evaluation of Agency's Public Personnel Administration, Part 2 Essay
Evaluation of Agency's Public Personnel Administration, Part 2 - Essay Example Coaching sessions are always targeted on their senior employees and managers of various units. The organization has enough and sufficient resources for purposes of developing and training its employees. The organization is funded by user’s fees. The organization charges fees on various services it offers. Such fees include the visa processing fees, fees paid to access the various forms that the organization offers. For example, in 2008, the congress allocated 1% of the federal budget to fund the activities of USCIS. The remaining 99% emanated from the various fees charged to users. These financial resources help the organization to train its employees for purposes of imparting the necessary skills that the organization needs. The organization manages to clearly identify its mission statement, and core values to its employees. In communicating these messages, the organization uses their official websites, at the about us page. The organization values integrity, vigilance, respe ct and ingenuity. Employees of the organization have to work hard to satisfy these values (About Us, 2013). Weaknesses of US Citizenship and Immigration Services: One major weakness of the organization is that its employees are not trained on the capability to enforce the various immigration laws. The responsibility to enforce these laws lies on the federal and state security organs. For instance, immigration officials cannot arrest nor detain a suspected drug trafficker using falsified immigration documents at the border. All they have to do is to notify the police so an arrest can be made (Kretsedemas, 2012). Employees of the organization are also faced with too much work. This is because the employees have to verify and check on the profiles of numerous applications. The number of people applying for citizenship and visa always range to millions. There is a need for relevant technology to help in these areas (Kretsedemas, 2012). Linkages and Personnel Management: The organization has a presence on almost all the countries of the world. This is because of an interest by citizens of other countries to visit the States. This organization seconds its employees to the various embassies of the country, who in turn offer their services there. Due to their international presence, the organization normally trains its international employees on the various aspects of international relations. This knowledge is necessary because it will help them interact with the communities in which they are sent to work in (Eastman, 2012). On this basis, the organization will post its employees to work in positions that they have skills in. The best human resource management theory that explains this approach is the motivational theory. According to this theory, the management has to motivate its human resource personnel for purposes of achieving the best results. Providing education on international relations is an important way of motivating these staff. Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practices: One of the major components of the organizations systems goals and practices is to identify and develop the necessary talent amongst its employees. Talent identification is a major goal of the various human resources policies of the company. This involves conducting performance appraisals for purposes of identifying top performers. The organization will either promote these people, or train them further for purposes of
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