Thursday, October 31, 2019
Physics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Physics - Assignment Example Consequently, by dividing the weight of the pet turtle with the gravitational constant, then the value found is approximately one kilogram; that in this case is the mass of the turtle. Force acting on a given object is directly proportional to its mass. Similarly, the constant of proportionality in this case, is the acceleration. In an instance that may see, the increase in the force acting on the object, while decreasing its mass, will in this case lead to increase in its acceleration. Every idea in the field of science has some principles that lead to the explanation of its originality. For this reason, that is why there are always other options of verifying the validity of the facts so that it fit within the demands of the present. Such tests on the facts also make it possible for correction of errors that theory came with from its original inventors The mistake here is failure to have the knowledge of expressing very huge numbers into standard figures. For this case, expression of 4,000 in standard form would be 4.0*103 which is the correct answer for justifying the figure to have three significant
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Perfume Essay Example for Free
Perfume Essay Identify all the things that happen to Grenouille in these chapters that you feel either shouldn’t happen to a child or are insensitive. Explain or attempt to justify these events. Within the pages of the first few chapters, Grenouille’s birth and early childhood is narrated. Grenouille is coldly dismissed at birth. He was brought to the world, by his mother on heap of fish guts, only for her to abandon him. No child should ever have to endure such cruel rejection, no human should ever be left to die in such a grotesque manner. Grenouille however survives and is placed under the care of a wet nurse, who put him into anothers arms in complain of him drinking too much milk and being too much of a liability. Grenouille was passed on from one wet nurse to another, never being shown any affection. He was not treated as a child should be, never allowed to received a mother’s love. The last wet nurse that was given the responsibility of caring for Grenouille, handed him over to Father Terrier, in accusation of the infant being a devil due to his lack scent. She claimed he did not smell of a normal child, that he gave off no smell whatsoever. At the harmless age of a month, Grenouille was accused of being a monster. Father terrier however disregards the wet nurse’s absurd allegations. The novel progresses however, with Father Terrier wanting to rid the baby, as he felt Grenouille had violated him, almost as if he had the ability to penetrate his innermost thoughts, as if he could see what was within Father Terrier with his nose. Grenouille was thrown around for the way he made people feel, however he never brought no harm upon people this early in the book. Father Terrier then puts him in Madame Gaillard’s orphanage. Here he was given a roof for a long time, however he was not welcome by the other children. Many attempts were made at his life, bricks were piled on him, in attempt to suffocate him, however Grenouille managed to survive each and every one of these attempts. Grenouille’s presence made the children feel uncomfortable, just as Father Terrier had felt. There was a coldness, a darkness about Grenouille. However the attempts at murdering him, were made only on the basis of how Grenouille’s presence made the other children feel. Grenouille up till this point had not done anything wrong; he had caused no harm to any of those around him. A few years later however, Madame Gaillard no more received money on Grenouille’s behalf, and so sent him off to work for a man under harsh conditions. Here he contracted a disease leaving him a cripple, bearing permanent scars. Grenouille withstood all these things, a child should never deserve. What is the significance about the context in which Grenouille is introduced in Part One Pg 16. Why does Father Terrier refuse the wet nurses accusations of Grenouille being a devil? â€Å"He’s possessed by the Devil†â€Å"Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for an infant to be possessed by the devil. An infant is not a human being, it is a pre-human being and does not yet possess a fully developed soul. Which is why it is of no interest to the devil. Does some evil stench come out from him? †These are the words Father Terrier speaks in retort of Jeane Beusse, the wet nurse’s accusations. According to Father Terrier, a devil would only possess one with a fully developed soul and has no interest in possessing an infant due to its lack of one. Father Terrier also believes in the devil carrying a foul odor, and hence the nurse’s claims of the baby being odd in that, his flesh carries no scent, only re-affirms his stand on the baby being ordinary, and unaffected whatsoever by the devil. Terrier believes, that the baby not smelling at all, a sign of good health. Father Terrier is also a strong believer of children being God sent, and hence them being possessed is completely out of the question. Terrier also claims the olfactory sense a primitive one, a sense that cannot be trusted. â€Å"The fool sees with his eyes rather than his nose†. Pg 18. Is Father Terrier responsible for Grenouille? Father Terrier is not officially given the responsibility of taking care of little Grenouille, however takes it upon himself to care for him. In some ways he is responsible for Grenouille, as he took him in from the wet nurse, and so in a way is making a commitment towards caring for him. Therefore it is his duty to take care of him to the best of his ability. Father Terrier also sympathizes with Grenouille as he believes a child should not be treated the way Grenouille was. Father Terrier also imagines himself being the child’s father, he feels sentimentally connected to the baby, adding to the responsibility he has over him. Pg 18. What do you make of the actions of the baby and Terriers response to it? The child awoke, his nose first. Little Grenouille perceived Terrier through his nose. It seemed almost as if the little infant was scrutinizing Father Terrier. The baby’s actions seem as though he can penetrate Father Terrier’s innermost thoughts, as if he can see through Father Terrier’s exterior, see what he really is. Father Terrier feels violated, and feels ashamed, as this baby with no scent, who is innocent, sees through Father Terrier, a man with odor, as everyone at the time. The odor is used as a metaphor for what Father Terrier has to hide. The baby in his arms has no odor, and so has nothing to hide, however Father Terrier is odorous, hence explaining his sense of being violated. Forever crinkling, and puffing and quivering†. These are the words used to describe the baby’s nose after smelling Father Terrier. One crinkles their nose, and puffs air outwards, upon smelling something foul. As smell is used here as a metaphor of who Father Terrier really is, as the baby perceives him through his nose, the baby perceives him as someone who is foul and repulsive. Father Terrier is threatened by the baby , and feels uncomfortable in its presence leading to his hurried notion to find another to take care of the child. Pg 20. ‘Gone was the homely thought that this might be . Explain what happens. 1. Pg 24. This is a challenging page. What does it infer about the teller of Grenouilles tale and his attitude towards him? How do you feel about Grenouille after this? 2. Pg 28-29. These pages relate to Grenouilles language acquisiton. What is particularly noticeable about his vocabulary growth? 3. Pg 35. What happens to Madame Gaillard? What is ironic about this? Look particularly at the last sentence of Chapter 5.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Influence of Employee Relations on Work Performance
Influence of Employee Relations on Work Performance This research is based on the assumption that it is the good relation with staff factor that leads to increase staff performance in the service department of hotel industry. Both the variables are very important in hotel industry. Staff performance is key to success for the hospitality organizations because hospitality organization is labor intensive industry so it becomes very important to focus on those factors that motivate employees for the work and to deliver their best to the organization. There are many factors that influence employee and work of employees. Relation with employee is one of them. Employee motivation may relate with money, position in the organization, future perspective, but relation with the peer group and boss is foremost factor that have direct impact on employee performance. Good employee relation means creation of congenial environment that retain the motivation of employees and keep motivating them for their commitments towards the organization. 1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES / RESEARCH QUESTIONS / HYPOTHESIS: 1.2.1 Aim of this research: aim of this research is to find out the influence of good employee relation on work performance of an employees, with special reference to restaurant service staff of hotel industry. 1.2.2 Objectives: To explore the ingredients of good employee relation To explore the ingredients of employee performance To explore good relation of employee as an factor of motivation. To find out the impact of good employee relation on employee performance 1.2.3 Research Questions: R.Q.1 What are the basis of good relation? R.Q.2 What are the basis of employee performance? R.Q.3 How good relation of employee have positive impact on employee performance? 1.3 RATIONAL: Author believes that employee relation is very important as an motivating factor, and employee performance is also very important for the development of an organization and in achieving organizational goal. This philosophy is very much important in the hospitality industry because hospitality industry is guest based business and employees are the only factor that brings guest satisfaction. So keep employee happy should be the right slogan for human resource department of the hotel and concerned functional department too. This is the thinking behind choice of this topic. 1.4 STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION: This research work is having many sections. Author is giving brief introduction and the sequence of the chapters. Chapter two is based on secondary research and placed just after this chapter, after that third chapter is on methodology and fourth is on depth analysis of the questions of the questionnaire and after that fifth chapter is containing conclusion of the research. After conclusion there is list of references followed by appendix section. Chapter2 Literature Review 2.1 What is employee relations? Employee relation or industrial relation is basically relation between employees and employer collectively. In this research author has established aim and objective which basically focus on impact of good employee relation on employee performance. Author is presenting this section as secondary research which is conducted through many books and websites. There are many variables of this research topic such as employee relation and its basis, employee performance and its basis, so all the related areas are also explored in this section of the research so that a valid conclusion can be drawn at the end of this section which would be conclusion based on secondary research. 2.2 Employee relation: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Employee relations can be seen primarily as a skill-set or a philosophy, rather than as a management function or well-defined area of activity. Despite well-publicised instances of industrial action, the emphasis of employee relations continues to shift from collective institutions, such as trade unions and collective bargaining, to the relationship with individual employees. The ideas of employee voice and the psychological contract have been accepted by employers and reflected in their employee relations policies and aspirations. Employee relations skills and competencies are still seen by employers as critical to achieving performance benefits through a focus on employee involvement, commitment and engagement. Employee relations is seen as strategic in terms of managing business risk: both the downside risk of non-compliance with an expanded body of employment law, and the upside risk of failing to deliver maximum business performanceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. http://www.cipd.c 2.3 Job Satisfaction and Job performance: To understand the nature of job satisfaction and its effects on work performance is not easy. For at least 50 years industrial/organizational psychologists have been wrestling with the question of the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Researchers have put a considerable amount of effort into attempts to demonstrate that the two are positively related in a particular fashion: a happy worker is a good worker. Although this sounds like a very appealing idea, the results of empirical literature are too mixed to support the hypothesis that job satisfaction leads to better performance or even that there is a reliable positive correlation between these two variables. On the other hand some researchers argue that the results are equally inconclusive with respect to the hypothesis that there is no such relationship. As a result of this ambiguity, this relationship continues to stimulate research and re-examination of previous attempts. This paper strives to describe t he relation of job satisfaction and performance, keeping in mind the value this relation has for organizations. Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept, which can mean different things to different people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the nature of this relationship is not clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. Job satisfaction is more an attitude, an internal state. It could, for example, be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either quantitative or qualitative. In recent years attention to job satisfaction has become more closely associated with broader approaches to improved job design and work organization, and the quality of working life movement. The relationship between job satisfaction and performance is an issue of continuing debate and controversy. One view, associated with the early human relations approach, is that satisfaction leads to performance. An alternative view is that performance leads to satisfaction. However, a variety of studies suggest that research has found only a limited relationship between satisf action and work output and offer scant comfort to those seeking to confirm that a satisfied worker is also a productive one. Labor turnover and absenteeism are commonly associated with dissatisfaction, but although there may be some correlation, there are many other possible factors. No universal generalizations about worker dissatisfaction exist, to offer easy management solutions to problems of turnover and absenteeism. The study suggests that it is primarily in the realm of job design, where opportunity resides for a constructive improvement of the workers satisfaction level. Individual performance is generally determined by three factors. Motivation, the desire to do the job, ability, the capability to do the job, and the work environment, the tools, materials, and information needed to do the job. If an employee lacks ability, the manager can provide training or replace the worker. If there is an environmental problem, the manager can also usually make adjustments to promote hi gher performance. But if motivation is the problem, the managers task is more challenging. Individual behavior is a complex phenomenon, and the manager may not be able to figure out why the employee is not motivated and how to change the behavior. Thus, also motivation plays a vital role since it might influence negatively performance and because of its intangible nature. 2.4 The elements of a job that create job satisfaction Flexible work arrangements, possibly including telecommuting Training and other professional growth opportunities Interesting work that offers variety and challenge and allows the worker opportunities to put his or her signature on the finished product Opportunities to use ones talents and to be creative Opportunities to take responsibility and direct ones own work A stable, secure work environment that includes job security/continuity An environment in which workers are supported by an accessible supervisor who provides timely feedback as well as congenial team members Flexible benefits, such as child-care and exercise facilities Up-to-date technology Competitive salary and opportunities for promotion 2.5 Workers Roles in Job Satisfaction If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or her own satisfaction and well-being on the job. The following suggestions can help a worker find personal job satisfaction: Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often leads to more challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay and other recognition. Develop excellent communication skills. Employerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s value and reward excellent reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills. Know more. Acquire new job-related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks more efficiently and effectively. This will relieve boredom and often gets one noticed. Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most organizations and often result in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and rewards. Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work well with others to get the job done. Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively. See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead to satisfaction with the work itself. This helps to give meaning to ones existence, thus playing a vital role in job satisfaction. Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burnout by developing healthy stress-management techniques. Employee engagement: Â à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The achievement of business goals and financial returns is increasingly dependent on delivery by front-line employees. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Engagementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ has been described as a combination of commitment and organisational citizenship. There is no shortage of evidence about people management policies and practices that contribute to building employee engagement. They include: Employee voice: Managers are much more convinced than they were a decade ago that involvement produces business benefits. This is confirmed by the range of methods for direct communication and recognising individual employee contribution that HR departments now implement and operate. Teamworking: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Training, teamworking, supervisors trained in employee relation matters and problem-solving groups are all associated with one another. In combination, this group of practices might be construed as a model of direct employee participation in decision-making. Work-life ba lance: Policies on work-life balance are being used by employers to underpin positive workplace behaviours. Our various surveys of employee attitudes, for example Guest and Conway5, have underlined the link between work-life balance, commitment and performance, and there is strong support by employers for the current legislation giving employees the right to request flexible workingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. HR and employee relation: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Communication is the glue that makes policies real and without which they are ineffective. The fact that communication is necessarily a two-way process, involving dialogue rather than simply instruction, is well established. Yet many organisations perform badly in this area, failing to give communication the priority it deserves. Getting communication right involves both professionalism and persistence. The qualities required include focusing on positive behaviours and outcomes, taking a positive, problem-solving approach, anticipating problems, recommending solutions and being able to offer sound advice to senior managers about implementation. Negotiating skills are still useful but needed less often. A much wider area of knowledge is now required, along with the skills to apply it, including surveying and interpreting employee attitudes, communications and conflict management. Most important is the ability to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"fità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ policies and practices to suit the organisationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goals and the character of its workforce. Value of employee relation: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“To a considerable extent, it is only in the public sector that trade unions retain a measure of their former strength and influence in the workplace. This is partly through the existence of institutions of collective consultation, reinforced by continued reliance in many cases on industry-level bargaining and the public policy emphasis on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"partnershipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Union influence in the private sector, on the other hand, continues to decline. The main areas of the private sector where industrial disputes are still experienced from time to time, for example, public transport, are those where thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a clear public or political interest and/or the Government is seen as the ultimate à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"bankerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Employee relationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ as a term remains ambiguous, with no clear boundaries. Most HR people donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t use the term on an everyday basis. It is not calculated to help manage rs focus on what they need to know and do to increase performance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the language has echoes of a historical era that offers few insights into contemporary practice. The traditional academic models of industrial relations have only limited relevance to what managers do today. Employers are in charge and the role of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"joint controlà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"rule-makingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ by employers and trade unions has been substantially replaced by employment regulation and organisational values. Employee relations can nevertheless point to an underlying philosophy and attitudes and skills that are still needed by HR practitioners. The current à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"business partnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ model is helpful in identifying an à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"added valueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ framework within which HR practitioners need to operate, but an unreflecting business focus may lead to a neglect of the softer skills, which are essential to managing the em ployment relationship, and of employee interests and influence. Employers also need HR managers with a positive, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"can doà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ attitude who will resist the temptation to adopt a defensive or compliance-led HR culture. Commitment and engagement are crucial to performance but they are not consistently high enough in the hierarchy of line management à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" or, often, HR à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" priorities. The Employee Information and Consultation Regulations may be helpful in raising the profile of employee voice and involvement, but the WERS 20042 findings give little basis for optimism that this will happen. More effort needs to be put into training and supporting line managers in, for example, teamworking and change management as the basis for establishing and maintaining motivation and commitment, which is a critical role for employee relations managers. Issues about à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"alignmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ of HR and business strategies have mostl y to be resolved within this area. There is too much focus within organisations on strategy formulation and planning, and not enough on implementation and delivery. Managing the employment relationship rests heavily on the shoulders of line managers, but their competence in this area is, in general, seriously neglected. The concept of engagement is helpful in promoting wider interest in the measurement of HR outputs, including through the widespread use of employee attitudes surveys and in performance management/appraisalsystemsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ Maintaining employee relation: Good employee relations means you create an environment which delivers what people want today. They want to feel good about who they are, what they do and where they work. Although there is probably an endless list of opinions as to what employees want today, here are 10 that are important as you consider building an employee relations program for your business: Employees want to be comfortable with what their employer stands for. Social psychology research indicates the chances of success are much greater for your organization if you have a clearly defined vision that all your people can follow. In some organizations, this is also referred to as a mission statement. Does your organization, department or division have one? Use it as a part of your employee relations strategy to ensure that your employees are comfortable with what your business is about. Employees want to identify with corporate principles. Today employees are very opinionated about the moral and ethical issues in business today. They care about such things as employee privacy and employee rights. By having a set of guiding principles, and following these principles, your organization creates a framework within which to develop principle-centered policies and procedures or make principle-centered decisions regarding difficult employment related issues. Employees want to know their employer cares about their opinions and concerns. If youre going to create a good employee relations program, you need to have a mechanism for finding out what your employees care about, what they are concerned about, what they think of you as an employer. Conduct employee opinion surveys. Chapter: 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH METHODS Research methods can be qualitative, quantitative or both (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000). The selection of the particular research method depends on the kind of information required. Qualitative method collects, analyzes, and interprets data that cannot be meaningfully quantified, that is, summarized in the form of numbers. For this reason, qualitative method is sometimes referred to as soft research method. Any research using non-structured questioning or observation techniques can be labeled qualitative research. Qualitative method typically studies relatively few respondents or units. In other words, a research of a large, representative sample would normally not be called qualitative research method even if it used some non-structured questions or observations. The non-structured and small-sample features of qualitative research techniques have an important implication. They are intended to provide initial insights, ideas, or understanding about a problem, not to recommend a final c ourse of action. Therefore, qualitative research techniques are most appropriate in situations calling for exploratory research. Quantitative research method, in contrast, is characterized by more structure and larger, more representative respondent samples. Consequently, the logical place for quantitative research techniques (usually in the form of large-scale questionnaire surveys or structured observations) is in conclusive studies. A primary role of qualitative research method is to generate hunches or hypotheses. In contrast, each of the situations under quantitative research calls for very specific data, capable of suggesting a final course of action (Parasuraman, et al. 2004). The above description suggests us that qualitative research method is a soft approach in which collected and identified data or information cannot be meaningfully quantified and more importantly in this approach non-structured research is conducted; but so far as quantitative research method is concerned, in this approach structured research is conducted with approaching larger respondents and the collected data can be meaningfully quantified. This research is qualitative based so required qualitative data to achieve the aims and objectives of the research, therefore qualitative research approach has been applied to conduct this research. 3.2 DATA COLLECTION Research data can be collected either in the form of secondary or primary or both (Clark et al, 2003). In this research both primary and secondary data were collected considering the aims and objectives of the research. 3.2.1 SECONDARY DATA: Secondary Data usually factual information can be obtained through secondary data, that have already been collected from other sources and are readily available from those sources (Parasuraman, et al. 2004). The definition and characteristics of secondary data presented above suggest us that secondary data are data that have already been collected for purpose other than the problem in hand. Before detailing as how and what secondary data were collected in this research, in would be worth to examine the advantages and disadvantages of such data. Secondary data are easily accessible, relatively inexpensive, and quickly obtained. Some secondary data, are available on topics where it would not be feasible for a firm to collect primary data. Although it is rare for secondary data to provide all the answers to a non-routine research problem, such data can be useful in a variety of ways (Kotabe, 2002). Secondary data can help: Identify the problem, better define the problem, develop an approach to the problem, formulate an appropriate research design (for example, by identifying the key variables), answer certain research questions and test some hypotheses and interpret primary data more insightfully. Because secondary data have been collected for purposes other than the problem at hand, their usefulness to the current problem may be limited in several important ways, including relevance and accuracy. The objectives, nature, and methods used to collect the secondary data may not be appropriate to the present situation. Also, secon dary data may be lacking in accuracy, or they may not be completely current or dependable. Before using secondary data, it is important to evaluate them on these factors (Malhotra, 2004). Although so many disadvantages are associated with the secondary data, but such data were found useful in this research as identifying and defining the problem, and developing research objectives. The secondary data in the this research is in the form of literature review. The various sources of secondary data in this research were: books, journals, periodicals, newspapers and magazines and websites. 3.2.2 PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION Primary data is collected for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at hand. The collection of primary data involves various steps. Thus obtaining primary data can be expensive and time consuming (Malhotra, 2004). These suggest that primary data are those data that are collected for the particular purpose of research in hand. The disadvantage of collecting primary data is that it is lengthy and resource and time consuming process (in comparison of secondary data), but the advantage of primary data is that they are first hand information and comparatively more reliable (than secondary data). Primary data can be collected from various sources and methods that are case studies, observation, questionnaire survey and interview (Clark et al, 2003). In this research questionnaire survey method was applied in order to collect primary data. Designing questionnaires may appear to be simple, especially to those who have not designed one before. After all, you may think, once you have a clear notion of the information desired, it should be easy to formulate appropriate questions and arrange them in the form of an instrument (Parasuraman, 2004). Primary data collection approach adopted in this research: Sampling technique: Author has followed convenient sampling technique and chosen sample hotel based on the same technique. This technique involves choice of hotel which easily accessible by the author. Sample: samples were based on Delhi based 5 star hotels. Sample size: Tools used in primary data collection: Author followed questionnaire technique to collect the data from the samples, in some cases author went to the sample hotel and met with the person concerned for this research but in many cases author referred telephonic talk and get the questionnaire filled over the phone. 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS Before analyzing a data set using sophisticated techniques, a researcher should get a feeling for what the data are like. The purpose of preliminary data analysis is to reveal features of the basic composition of the data collected. It can also provide useful insights pertaining to the research objectives and suggest meaningful approaches for further analysis of the data. Preliminary data analysis examines the central tendency(mean) and the dispersion of the data on each variable in the data set. The measurement level of a variable that is, whether the variable is nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio has a bearing on which measures of central tendency and dispersion will be appropriate for it (Parasuraman, 2004). In accordance with the above prescription of data analysis, firstly all the collected data were coded and arranged in a systematic manner and then analysed in accordance with the objectives of the research to reach the conclusions after comparing secondary and primary data. Author has followed tabulation of data and use of percentage technique to find out average of the response and based on the same conclusion has been drawn. 3.4 LIMITATIONS Due to limited time and resources, the author had to downsize his plan on various fronts. Firstly, getting an appointment with the respondents was not easy as in some cases because they had tight schedule in their professional activities, whereas some were found unwilling to response. Secondly, due to provided limited time, the author could not get filled the questionnaire face-to-face or personally from the respondents, and thus in many cases the author had to satisfy with telephonic conversation for filling the questionnaire. Chapetr 4 FINDING AND ANALYSIS Question no-1-Do you feel that employee relation has importance in hotel industry? Answer no-1- ( ) YES ( ) NO OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE YES 10 100 NO 0 In the above response collected, it is visible that 100% of the employees said that good employee relation has significance in hotel Industry. Question no-2-Good employee relation leads to employee motivation. Answer no-2- ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE TRUE 10 100 FALSE 0 Above tabulation shows that all the 10 respondents said that good employee relation is motivating factor for the restaurant staff and leads to employee performance. Question no-3-Employees can compensated with other motivating factor with good relation? Answer no-3- ( ) AGREE ( ) DIS AGREE à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE AGREE 9 90 DIS AGREE 1 10 90% of the staff working in the hotel restaurant agree that employee motivation can be compensated with good employee relation due to the good relationship of the staff with the employer helps this help motivating employees. Due to good relation employee may be happy with differed financial benefits. Question no-4- Do you feel that Employees always want to be appreciated for job done? Answer no-4- ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE TRUE 7 70 FALSE 3 30 70% of them have said that the above statement is true as, employees want to be appreciated and recognized for a job done, and rest of them (30%) have said that this statement is false. Question no-5- Do you think reward based work promotes the team spirit among employees? Answer no-5- ( ) AGREE ( ) DISAGREE OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE AGREE 4 40 DIS AGREE 6 60 above table shows that reward does not lead to team spirit among the employees. Here author would like to say that it is very much clear that individual performance may go up by introduction of reward but integration of efforts can not be achieved with reward. So author would like to highlight that it is the relation among peer and employer that promote employee satisfaction and so overall there will be enhancement in the performance of entire employee as a team. Question no-6- Do you think gap between organizational objective and individual due to communication may lead to employee dissatisfaction and hence lower performance? Answer no-6- ( ) YES ( ) NO OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE AGREE 100 100 DIS AGREE 00 00 Here this response reveals that there should not be communication gap between employee and employer because this is also a reason of employee dissatisfaction. Employee actually want to know the overall direction of the organization failing which there is rise in reluctance and less performance. So this communication gap is part of good relation if there is gap means there is no good relation between employer and employee so again it is proved that good relation leading to positive impact. Question no-7-what you feel about relation between communication gap between employer and employee leads to low performance and motivation of employees? Answer no-7- ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE Above table shows that 90% of the staff of the hotels are agree and having the same belief that communication gap increases employee de-motivation hence lower performance of employees. Chapter 5 CONCLUSION In order to conclude the topic author would like to mention the aim and objectives of this research which author had established at the starting of this research. Objectives: To explore the ingredients of good employee relation To explore the ingredients of employee performance To explore good relation of employee as an factor of motivation. To find out the impact of good employee relation on employee performance 1.2.3 Research Questions: R.Q.1 What are the basis of good relation? R.Q.2 What are the basis of employee performance? R.Q.3 How good relation of employee have positive impact on employee performance? Based on the research conducted by author now at this stage author have been comparing what was to achieved and what have been achieved then author found there is no variance in the research objectives and all the steps of research till conclusion. All the aspects have been recognized and evaluated. Based on the primary research conducted by the author it is very much clear that it is the good relation between employer and employee or peer group that leads to feeling of team work and overall performance of employees goes up that Influence of Employee Relations on Work Performance Influence of Employee Relations on Work Performance This research is based on the assumption that it is the good relation with staff factor that leads to increase staff performance in the service department of hotel industry. Both the variables are very important in hotel industry. Staff performance is key to success for the hospitality organizations because hospitality organization is labor intensive industry so it becomes very important to focus on those factors that motivate employees for the work and to deliver their best to the organization. There are many factors that influence employee and work of employees. Relation with employee is one of them. Employee motivation may relate with money, position in the organization, future perspective, but relation with the peer group and boss is foremost factor that have direct impact on employee performance. Good employee relation means creation of congenial environment that retain the motivation of employees and keep motivating them for their commitments towards the organization. 1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVES / RESEARCH QUESTIONS / HYPOTHESIS: 1.2.1 Aim of this research: aim of this research is to find out the influence of good employee relation on work performance of an employees, with special reference to restaurant service staff of hotel industry. 1.2.2 Objectives: To explore the ingredients of good employee relation To explore the ingredients of employee performance To explore good relation of employee as an factor of motivation. To find out the impact of good employee relation on employee performance 1.2.3 Research Questions: R.Q.1 What are the basis of good relation? R.Q.2 What are the basis of employee performance? R.Q.3 How good relation of employee have positive impact on employee performance? 1.3 RATIONAL: Author believes that employee relation is very important as an motivating factor, and employee performance is also very important for the development of an organization and in achieving organizational goal. This philosophy is very much important in the hospitality industry because hospitality industry is guest based business and employees are the only factor that brings guest satisfaction. So keep employee happy should be the right slogan for human resource department of the hotel and concerned functional department too. This is the thinking behind choice of this topic. 1.4 STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION: This research work is having many sections. Author is giving brief introduction and the sequence of the chapters. Chapter two is based on secondary research and placed just after this chapter, after that third chapter is on methodology and fourth is on depth analysis of the questions of the questionnaire and after that fifth chapter is containing conclusion of the research. After conclusion there is list of references followed by appendix section. Chapter2 Literature Review 2.1 What is employee relations? Employee relation or industrial relation is basically relation between employees and employer collectively. In this research author has established aim and objective which basically focus on impact of good employee relation on employee performance. Author is presenting this section as secondary research which is conducted through many books and websites. There are many variables of this research topic such as employee relation and its basis, employee performance and its basis, so all the related areas are also explored in this section of the research so that a valid conclusion can be drawn at the end of this section which would be conclusion based on secondary research. 2.2 Employee relation: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Employee relations can be seen primarily as a skill-set or a philosophy, rather than as a management function or well-defined area of activity. Despite well-publicised instances of industrial action, the emphasis of employee relations continues to shift from collective institutions, such as trade unions and collective bargaining, to the relationship with individual employees. The ideas of employee voice and the psychological contract have been accepted by employers and reflected in their employee relations policies and aspirations. Employee relations skills and competencies are still seen by employers as critical to achieving performance benefits through a focus on employee involvement, commitment and engagement. Employee relations is seen as strategic in terms of managing business risk: both the downside risk of non-compliance with an expanded body of employment law, and the upside risk of failing to deliver maximum business performanceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. http://www.cipd.c 2.3 Job Satisfaction and Job performance: To understand the nature of job satisfaction and its effects on work performance is not easy. For at least 50 years industrial/organizational psychologists have been wrestling with the question of the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Researchers have put a considerable amount of effort into attempts to demonstrate that the two are positively related in a particular fashion: a happy worker is a good worker. Although this sounds like a very appealing idea, the results of empirical literature are too mixed to support the hypothesis that job satisfaction leads to better performance or even that there is a reliable positive correlation between these two variables. On the other hand some researchers argue that the results are equally inconclusive with respect to the hypothesis that there is no such relationship. As a result of this ambiguity, this relationship continues to stimulate research and re-examination of previous attempts. This paper strives to describe t he relation of job satisfaction and performance, keeping in mind the value this relation has for organizations. Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept, which can mean different things to different people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the nature of this relationship is not clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivation. Job satisfaction is more an attitude, an internal state. It could, for example, be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either quantitative or qualitative. In recent years attention to job satisfaction has become more closely associated with broader approaches to improved job design and work organization, and the quality of working life movement. The relationship between job satisfaction and performance is an issue of continuing debate and controversy. One view, associated with the early human relations approach, is that satisfaction leads to performance. An alternative view is that performance leads to satisfaction. However, a variety of studies suggest that research has found only a limited relationship between satisf action and work output and offer scant comfort to those seeking to confirm that a satisfied worker is also a productive one. Labor turnover and absenteeism are commonly associated with dissatisfaction, but although there may be some correlation, there are many other possible factors. No universal generalizations about worker dissatisfaction exist, to offer easy management solutions to problems of turnover and absenteeism. The study suggests that it is primarily in the realm of job design, where opportunity resides for a constructive improvement of the workers satisfaction level. Individual performance is generally determined by three factors. Motivation, the desire to do the job, ability, the capability to do the job, and the work environment, the tools, materials, and information needed to do the job. If an employee lacks ability, the manager can provide training or replace the worker. If there is an environmental problem, the manager can also usually make adjustments to promote hi gher performance. But if motivation is the problem, the managers task is more challenging. Individual behavior is a complex phenomenon, and the manager may not be able to figure out why the employee is not motivated and how to change the behavior. Thus, also motivation plays a vital role since it might influence negatively performance and because of its intangible nature. 2.4 The elements of a job that create job satisfaction Flexible work arrangements, possibly including telecommuting Training and other professional growth opportunities Interesting work that offers variety and challenge and allows the worker opportunities to put his or her signature on the finished product Opportunities to use ones talents and to be creative Opportunities to take responsibility and direct ones own work A stable, secure work environment that includes job security/continuity An environment in which workers are supported by an accessible supervisor who provides timely feedback as well as congenial team members Flexible benefits, such as child-care and exercise facilities Up-to-date technology Competitive salary and opportunities for promotion 2.5 Workers Roles in Job Satisfaction If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or her own satisfaction and well-being on the job. The following suggestions can help a worker find personal job satisfaction: Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often leads to more challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay and other recognition. Develop excellent communication skills. Employerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s value and reward excellent reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills. Know more. Acquire new job-related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks more efficiently and effectively. This will relieve boredom and often gets one noticed. Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most organizations and often result in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and rewards. Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work well with others to get the job done. Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively. See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead to satisfaction with the work itself. This helps to give meaning to ones existence, thus playing a vital role in job satisfaction. Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burnout by developing healthy stress-management techniques. Employee engagement: Â à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The achievement of business goals and financial returns is increasingly dependent on delivery by front-line employees. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Engagementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ has been described as a combination of commitment and organisational citizenship. There is no shortage of evidence about people management policies and practices that contribute to building employee engagement. They include: Employee voice: Managers are much more convinced than they were a decade ago that involvement produces business benefits. This is confirmed by the range of methods for direct communication and recognising individual employee contribution that HR departments now implement and operate. Teamworking: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Training, teamworking, supervisors trained in employee relation matters and problem-solving groups are all associated with one another. In combination, this group of practices might be construed as a model of direct employee participation in decision-making. Work-life ba lance: Policies on work-life balance are being used by employers to underpin positive workplace behaviours. Our various surveys of employee attitudes, for example Guest and Conway5, have underlined the link between work-life balance, commitment and performance, and there is strong support by employers for the current legislation giving employees the right to request flexible workingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. HR and employee relation: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Communication is the glue that makes policies real and without which they are ineffective. The fact that communication is necessarily a two-way process, involving dialogue rather than simply instruction, is well established. Yet many organisations perform badly in this area, failing to give communication the priority it deserves. Getting communication right involves both professionalism and persistence. The qualities required include focusing on positive behaviours and outcomes, taking a positive, problem-solving approach, anticipating problems, recommending solutions and being able to offer sound advice to senior managers about implementation. Negotiating skills are still useful but needed less often. A much wider area of knowledge is now required, along with the skills to apply it, including surveying and interpreting employee attitudes, communications and conflict management. Most important is the ability to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"fità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ policies and practices to suit the organisationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goals and the character of its workforce. Value of employee relation: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“To a considerable extent, it is only in the public sector that trade unions retain a measure of their former strength and influence in the workplace. This is partly through the existence of institutions of collective consultation, reinforced by continued reliance in many cases on industry-level bargaining and the public policy emphasis on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"partnershipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Union influence in the private sector, on the other hand, continues to decline. The main areas of the private sector where industrial disputes are still experienced from time to time, for example, public transport, are those where thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a clear public or political interest and/or the Government is seen as the ultimate à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"bankerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Employee relationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ as a term remains ambiguous, with no clear boundaries. Most HR people donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t use the term on an everyday basis. It is not calculated to help manage rs focus on what they need to know and do to increase performance à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the language has echoes of a historical era that offers few insights into contemporary practice. The traditional academic models of industrial relations have only limited relevance to what managers do today. Employers are in charge and the role of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"joint controlà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"rule-makingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ by employers and trade unions has been substantially replaced by employment regulation and organisational values. Employee relations can nevertheless point to an underlying philosophy and attitudes and skills that are still needed by HR practitioners. The current à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"business partnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ model is helpful in identifying an à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"added valueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ framework within which HR practitioners need to operate, but an unreflecting business focus may lead to a neglect of the softer skills, which are essential to managing the em ployment relationship, and of employee interests and influence. Employers also need HR managers with a positive, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"can doà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ attitude who will resist the temptation to adopt a defensive or compliance-led HR culture. Commitment and engagement are crucial to performance but they are not consistently high enough in the hierarchy of line management à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" or, often, HR à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" priorities. The Employee Information and Consultation Regulations may be helpful in raising the profile of employee voice and involvement, but the WERS 20042 findings give little basis for optimism that this will happen. More effort needs to be put into training and supporting line managers in, for example, teamworking and change management as the basis for establishing and maintaining motivation and commitment, which is a critical role for employee relations managers. Issues about à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"alignmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ of HR and business strategies have mostl y to be resolved within this area. There is too much focus within organisations on strategy formulation and planning, and not enough on implementation and delivery. Managing the employment relationship rests heavily on the shoulders of line managers, but their competence in this area is, in general, seriously neglected. The concept of engagement is helpful in promoting wider interest in the measurement of HR outputs, including through the widespread use of employee attitudes surveys and in performance management/appraisalsystemsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ Maintaining employee relation: Good employee relations means you create an environment which delivers what people want today. They want to feel good about who they are, what they do and where they work. Although there is probably an endless list of opinions as to what employees want today, here are 10 that are important as you consider building an employee relations program for your business: Employees want to be comfortable with what their employer stands for. Social psychology research indicates the chances of success are much greater for your organization if you have a clearly defined vision that all your people can follow. In some organizations, this is also referred to as a mission statement. Does your organization, department or division have one? Use it as a part of your employee relations strategy to ensure that your employees are comfortable with what your business is about. Employees want to identify with corporate principles. Today employees are very opinionated about the moral and ethical issues in business today. They care about such things as employee privacy and employee rights. By having a set of guiding principles, and following these principles, your organization creates a framework within which to develop principle-centered policies and procedures or make principle-centered decisions regarding difficult employment related issues. Employees want to know their employer cares about their opinions and concerns. If youre going to create a good employee relations program, you need to have a mechanism for finding out what your employees care about, what they are concerned about, what they think of you as an employer. Conduct employee opinion surveys. Chapter: 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH METHODS Research methods can be qualitative, quantitative or both (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000). The selection of the particular research method depends on the kind of information required. Qualitative method collects, analyzes, and interprets data that cannot be meaningfully quantified, that is, summarized in the form of numbers. For this reason, qualitative method is sometimes referred to as soft research method. Any research using non-structured questioning or observation techniques can be labeled qualitative research. Qualitative method typically studies relatively few respondents or units. In other words, a research of a large, representative sample would normally not be called qualitative research method even if it used some non-structured questions or observations. The non-structured and small-sample features of qualitative research techniques have an important implication. They are intended to provide initial insights, ideas, or understanding about a problem, not to recommend a final c ourse of action. Therefore, qualitative research techniques are most appropriate in situations calling for exploratory research. Quantitative research method, in contrast, is characterized by more structure and larger, more representative respondent samples. Consequently, the logical place for quantitative research techniques (usually in the form of large-scale questionnaire surveys or structured observations) is in conclusive studies. A primary role of qualitative research method is to generate hunches or hypotheses. In contrast, each of the situations under quantitative research calls for very specific data, capable of suggesting a final course of action (Parasuraman, et al. 2004). The above description suggests us that qualitative research method is a soft approach in which collected and identified data or information cannot be meaningfully quantified and more importantly in this approach non-structured research is conducted; but so far as quantitative research method is concerned, in this approach structured research is conducted with approaching larger respondents and the collected data can be meaningfully quantified. This research is qualitative based so required qualitative data to achieve the aims and objectives of the research, therefore qualitative research approach has been applied to conduct this research. 3.2 DATA COLLECTION Research data can be collected either in the form of secondary or primary or both (Clark et al, 2003). In this research both primary and secondary data were collected considering the aims and objectives of the research. 3.2.1 SECONDARY DATA: Secondary Data usually factual information can be obtained through secondary data, that have already been collected from other sources and are readily available from those sources (Parasuraman, et al. 2004). The definition and characteristics of secondary data presented above suggest us that secondary data are data that have already been collected for purpose other than the problem in hand. Before detailing as how and what secondary data were collected in this research, in would be worth to examine the advantages and disadvantages of such data. Secondary data are easily accessible, relatively inexpensive, and quickly obtained. Some secondary data, are available on topics where it would not be feasible for a firm to collect primary data. Although it is rare for secondary data to provide all the answers to a non-routine research problem, such data can be useful in a variety of ways (Kotabe, 2002). Secondary data can help: Identify the problem, better define the problem, develop an approach to the problem, formulate an appropriate research design (for example, by identifying the key variables), answer certain research questions and test some hypotheses and interpret primary data more insightfully. Because secondary data have been collected for purposes other than the problem at hand, their usefulness to the current problem may be limited in several important ways, including relevance and accuracy. The objectives, nature, and methods used to collect the secondary data may not be appropriate to the present situation. Also, secon dary data may be lacking in accuracy, or they may not be completely current or dependable. Before using secondary data, it is important to evaluate them on these factors (Malhotra, 2004). Although so many disadvantages are associated with the secondary data, but such data were found useful in this research as identifying and defining the problem, and developing research objectives. The secondary data in the this research is in the form of literature review. The various sources of secondary data in this research were: books, journals, periodicals, newspapers and magazines and websites. 3.2.2 PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION Primary data is collected for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at hand. The collection of primary data involves various steps. Thus obtaining primary data can be expensive and time consuming (Malhotra, 2004). These suggest that primary data are those data that are collected for the particular purpose of research in hand. The disadvantage of collecting primary data is that it is lengthy and resource and time consuming process (in comparison of secondary data), but the advantage of primary data is that they are first hand information and comparatively more reliable (than secondary data). Primary data can be collected from various sources and methods that are case studies, observation, questionnaire survey and interview (Clark et al, 2003). In this research questionnaire survey method was applied in order to collect primary data. Designing questionnaires may appear to be simple, especially to those who have not designed one before. After all, you may think, once you have a clear notion of the information desired, it should be easy to formulate appropriate questions and arrange them in the form of an instrument (Parasuraman, 2004). Primary data collection approach adopted in this research: Sampling technique: Author has followed convenient sampling technique and chosen sample hotel based on the same technique. This technique involves choice of hotel which easily accessible by the author. Sample: samples were based on Delhi based 5 star hotels. Sample size: Tools used in primary data collection: Author followed questionnaire technique to collect the data from the samples, in some cases author went to the sample hotel and met with the person concerned for this research but in many cases author referred telephonic talk and get the questionnaire filled over the phone. 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS Before analyzing a data set using sophisticated techniques, a researcher should get a feeling for what the data are like. The purpose of preliminary data analysis is to reveal features of the basic composition of the data collected. It can also provide useful insights pertaining to the research objectives and suggest meaningful approaches for further analysis of the data. Preliminary data analysis examines the central tendency(mean) and the dispersion of the data on each variable in the data set. The measurement level of a variable that is, whether the variable is nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio has a bearing on which measures of central tendency and dispersion will be appropriate for it (Parasuraman, 2004). In accordance with the above prescription of data analysis, firstly all the collected data were coded and arranged in a systematic manner and then analysed in accordance with the objectives of the research to reach the conclusions after comparing secondary and primary data. Author has followed tabulation of data and use of percentage technique to find out average of the response and based on the same conclusion has been drawn. 3.4 LIMITATIONS Due to limited time and resources, the author had to downsize his plan on various fronts. Firstly, getting an appointment with the respondents was not easy as in some cases because they had tight schedule in their professional activities, whereas some were found unwilling to response. Secondly, due to provided limited time, the author could not get filled the questionnaire face-to-face or personally from the respondents, and thus in many cases the author had to satisfy with telephonic conversation for filling the questionnaire. Chapetr 4 FINDING AND ANALYSIS Question no-1-Do you feel that employee relation has importance in hotel industry? Answer no-1- ( ) YES ( ) NO OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE YES 10 100 NO 0 In the above response collected, it is visible that 100% of the employees said that good employee relation has significance in hotel Industry. Question no-2-Good employee relation leads to employee motivation. Answer no-2- ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE TRUE 10 100 FALSE 0 Above tabulation shows that all the 10 respondents said that good employee relation is motivating factor for the restaurant staff and leads to employee performance. Question no-3-Employees can compensated with other motivating factor with good relation? Answer no-3- ( ) AGREE ( ) DIS AGREE à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å" OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE AGREE 9 90 DIS AGREE 1 10 90% of the staff working in the hotel restaurant agree that employee motivation can be compensated with good employee relation due to the good relationship of the staff with the employer helps this help motivating employees. Due to good relation employee may be happy with differed financial benefits. Question no-4- Do you feel that Employees always want to be appreciated for job done? Answer no-4- ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE TRUE 7 70 FALSE 3 30 70% of them have said that the above statement is true as, employees want to be appreciated and recognized for a job done, and rest of them (30%) have said that this statement is false. Question no-5- Do you think reward based work promotes the team spirit among employees? Answer no-5- ( ) AGREE ( ) DISAGREE OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE AGREE 4 40 DIS AGREE 6 60 above table shows that reward does not lead to team spirit among the employees. Here author would like to say that it is very much clear that individual performance may go up by introduction of reward but integration of efforts can not be achieved with reward. So author would like to highlight that it is the relation among peer and employer that promote employee satisfaction and so overall there will be enhancement in the performance of entire employee as a team. Question no-6- Do you think gap between organizational objective and individual due to communication may lead to employee dissatisfaction and hence lower performance? Answer no-6- ( ) YES ( ) NO OPTIONS RESPONSE PERCENTAGE AGREE 100 100 DIS AGREE 00 00 Here this response reveals that there should not be communication gap between employee and employer because this is also a reason of employee dissatisfaction. Employee actually want to know the overall direction of the organization failing which there is rise in reluctance and less performance. So this communication gap is part of good relation if there is gap means there is no good relation between employer and employee so again it is proved that good relation leading to positive impact. Question no-7-what you feel about relation between communication gap between employer and employee leads to low performance and motivation of employees? Answer no-7- ( ) TRUE ( ) FALSE Above table shows that 90% of the staff of the hotels are agree and having the same belief that communication gap increases employee de-motivation hence lower performance of employees. Chapter 5 CONCLUSION In order to conclude the topic author would like to mention the aim and objectives of this research which author had established at the starting of this research. Objectives: To explore the ingredients of good employee relation To explore the ingredients of employee performance To explore good relation of employee as an factor of motivation. To find out the impact of good employee relation on employee performance 1.2.3 Research Questions: R.Q.1 What are the basis of good relation? R.Q.2 What are the basis of employee performance? R.Q.3 How good relation of employee have positive impact on employee performance? Based on the research conducted by author now at this stage author have been comparing what was to achieved and what have been achieved then author found there is no variance in the research objectives and all the steps of research till conclusion. All the aspects have been recognized and evaluated. Based on the primary research conducted by the author it is very much clear that it is the good relation between employer and employee or peer group that leads to feeling of team work and overall performance of employees goes up that
Friday, October 25, 2019
Finite Evidence and Universal Propositions :: Ampliative Logic
Finite Evidence and Universal Propositions There is a lot of empirical evidence supporting the proposition '‘All metals expand when heated’. For example on many, many occasions we have observed metals expanding when heated. Because of this large amount of evidence we take the proposition to be true (or highly likely to be true). The proposition '‘All metals expand when heated’ is caled a universal proposition. A universal proposition mentions al things of a certain kind. The proposition '‘Al metals expand when heated’ is about al metals, not just some of them; it is about al pieces of metal, not just some pieces. Any piece of metal, any kind of metal, according to this proposition, wil expand when heated. Now as we have said there is a great deal of evidence supporting this universal proposition; it is not a proposition that many would doubt. But however large the body of evidence supporting this proposition, and whatever the variety, this body of evidence is finite. Our experience is finite, even our colective experience. But the proposition is universal: it refers to al metals, not just this bit or that bit, nor this kind or that kind. Any bit of metal at al, whatever kind, wil expand when heated. This is what the proposition says. The proposition does not just say, only those bits of metal that we have observed, expand when heated. Those bits we have observed, they expand when heated; but the proposition also says, even those bits that we have not observed expand when heated. This is what the '‘al’ means; this is why we cal the proposition universal. The evidence which supports ‘Al metals expand when heated’ is finite. The proposition which draws support from this evidence is universal. How can finite evidence support a universal proposition? A universal proposition, even when supported by evidence, goes wel beyond evidence. There are infinitely many bits of metal. Compared to the many bits of metal in the universe the bits we have observed is only a tiny fraction. How can a tiny fraction support such a large number? When we have no evidence for a proposition we would not take the proposition to be true. When we have only a litle evidence for a proposition we stil would not take it to be true. If we are to take a proposition to be true, or likely to be true, we require a large amount of evidence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Nowhere in Africa Essay
Migrating to another country is an accepted occurrence nowadays but for people whose relocation was forced by inevitable and untoward reasons, the resettlement appeared to be undesirable. In fact, leaving the place where one was accustomed to and moving into another new and unwelcoming environment is likely to change a person. Hence, such change resulting from involuntary transfer eventually altered one’s perspective and conduct towards oneself thereby also changed his or her family view and the society. Since the condition is expected to happen, the modification however should lean towards the general benefit of the person; thus creating something good out of transferring from one place to another is valuable. It is therefore essential to consider that in order to succeed in escaping a previous cruel environment and settle in a new yet more peaceful place, the perception towards oneself, family and the society must be regarded as encouraging rather than harmful. The said situation is best depicted in a literary work such as the effort made by Stefanie Zweig (2004). In particular, Zweig’s autobiographical â€Å"Nowhere in Africa†effectively exemplified that the migration of German Jewish family in Kenya during the Second World War was regarded by the characters in various ways. Especially notable was the resistance from the wife who, because of the unfamiliarity and discomfort of the new place, altered her view of herself, her family and the new community where she needs to belong. While the Zweig’s book explicitly showed how one resisted the family’s transfer to a totally different setting, it nonetheless manifested in the end how one’s altered view was ultimately corrected. In doing so, the book achieved its very purpose and essence of making the public realize that perspectives are likely to be changed as a result of several grounds such as being a refugee in a totally new and uncultivated place like Kenya. That is, one should regard relocation in a more positive perspective. While resistance is a natural reaction, it is worthy to argue then that it is fundamental for a person to change his or her viewpoint towards oneself, family and the society in a beneficial instead of damaging approach. Altered personal view â€Å"Nowhere in Africa†is attributed to the author’s own experience as member of a family who migrated from Nazi-dominated Germany to Kenya. As such, Zweig created the characters of the Redlich family. While the head of the family, Attorney Walter and daughter Regina tried hard and eventually did not find further conflict in leaving their rich kind of life in Germany to settle in an untamed country like Kenya, it was the wife, Jettel who manifested an intense opposition to her new life (Zweig, 2004). The reality of leaving their once-wealthy and secure life in Germany made Jettel alter her view towards herself. Specifically, the previously well-treated and pampered Jettel refused to accept the reality and need to adjust and eventually settle in Kenya. Such resistance was shown by the wife in a way that she changed how she views herself. From being a former well-off and apparently confident Mrs. Redlich, settling in Kenya made Jettel alter her personal point of view (Zweig, 2004). The transformation in Jettel was showed in the book through how she lost her self-confidence. Jettel resisted the modification in her lifestyle when she evidently opposed every adjustment in all its circumstances. In fact, it became apparent for Jettel that she forgot the fundamental reason why her family left their country. That is, they have to abandon the cruelty of the Nazi regime hence the need to relocate and settle in a safer place like the farm in Kenya. It appeared that Jettel, because of the discomfort of living in Kenya, changed her view towards her need to be secured in an environment outside her country (Sweig, 2004). Ironically, it was Jettel’ personal view which manifested that Kenya is not totally different from Germany. Regardless of her husband’s initial warnings, Jettel expected that living in Kenya will be similar to her life in Frankfurt hence she even looked forward to the new place. She got used to changing her wealthy way of living if only to attain peaceful and safe existence. However, reality struck Jettel especially when she experienced how different it is to live in a totally varying countries. This was proven when her personal view about herself was altered where she stated that Kenya was a â€Å"lovely†place but unfortunately, she â€Å"can never live there†(Zweig, 2004). It was however also apparent that Jettel eventually changed her view of herself as she gradually got used to living in Kenya. As World War II escalated, Jettel ultimately realized the benefit of living far from Germany and right in the peacefulness of Kenya. During the course of the novel, the author showed how Jettel’s view of herself was slowly altered. This condition was done and proven by the fact that Jettel regained her self-assurance and eventually accepted the severe realities yet more peaceful new life in Kenya (Zweig, 2004, p. 93). Altered view towards family The ironies within the book were shown by the author when she presented how Jettel’s view towards her family was changed. If prior to moving to Kenya the Redlich family was one in their principle and desire, the realities of living in Kenya made Jettel change her relationship with her husband and daughter (Zweig, 2004). Jettel previously viewed herself as a submissive wife to Walter hence her support and acceptance of their transfer from Germany to Kenya. However, as the war increased and various events have taken place, Jettel turned herself into becoming an aggressive wife whose views are strongly manifested. Such alteration in Jettel’s view of herself resulted into constant fighting between the couple and even conflict with her only child (Zweig, 2004). Further conflicts aggravated the relationship within the family. If Jettel previously resisted living in Kenya but as her view of herself was modified throughout the novel, so is the relationship with Walter and Regina. The personal transformation became more evident when Jettel, who used to be unable to stand and live nowhere in Kenya, asserted and opted to remain in Africa as her husband, wanted to return to Germany (Zweig, 2004, p. 267). Altered view towards society Not only did Jettel showed how she changed hew view of herself but also that of her perception towards the two societies which is that of Germany and Kenya. As Jettel previously viewed herself as straight follower to her native country, the cruelty of the Nazi regime and the hostilities in the country made her change her perspective. This is because she eventually saw and attested to the uncontrollable violence in Germany that posed harm to her family (Zweig, 2004). Hence, as Jettel’s view towards Germany diminished, she hanged on to her and her family’s need to survive. Such situation, in turn, made Jettel’s view of Kenya to be altered as she eventually accepted that despite the harsh realities of living in Africa, it is still the more logical thing to do. While Jettel previously viewed Kenya as a place where she can never settle, her changed personal idea about the country made her realize that living in Africa is just like paving the way for the clashing of two existing worlds where civilized European people can eventually live in an undomesticated yet safer place like Kenya (Zweig, 2004). Conclusion â€Å"Nowhere in Africa†is a concrete proof which showed how and why one of its characters altered her view of herself as well as towards her family and the society. Through the personality and characteristics of Jettel, the book effectively manifested that one’s perspectives are indeed likely to be changed. This condition particularly holds true when one’s safety and decent way of living are to be considered. For Jettel, her altered view of herself, family and the countries of Germany and Kenya clearly depicted that in time of turmoil, circumstances will lead one to change her principle and practices. Reference Zweig, S. (2004). Nowhere in Africa: An Autobiographical Novel. Wisconsin: Terrace Books.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Write an Essay in MLA Format
How to Write an Essay in MLA Format How to Write an Essay in MLA Format MLA is a type of research essay that is usually written in colleges. MLA stands for Modern Language Association and has strict rules not only for the context, but also for the technical organization of the essay. The technical requirements for writing an MLA essay format are the following: The pages must have 1-inch margins. The text should be double spaced with 12-point font usually Times New Roman including quotations and notes. Different paragraphs must be separated with half an inch. The first page (the header) is slightly different from the rest of the paper. The name of the student is placed in the upper left corner. Below there is the instructor/professor’s name, followed by the name of the specific course and the date. The title of the MLA essay is located on top and centered. A separate title page is not required. The page numbers are placed on top, in the upper right hand side. An outline is optional. Here is an example how the page should look like: Adam Smith Professor Jonson English Literature 17 February 2015 Advantages and disadvantages of writing an MLA Essay There are many advantages in being capable of writing essays. First you can express your thoughts, making them reachable for bigger audience. Writing an essay can be a creative experience which will help analyze a specific problem and your opinion on it. Disadvantages of writing essays exist only if you write an essay that lacks logic and proper organization. You should feel free to write and experiment expressing your own thought but do not forget to research your thesis thoroughly, the technical parameters of the essay and read your instructor notes. How to write an essay in MLA format Writing an essay in MLA format is similar to writing any other type of essay. The basic structure of the MLA essay is: introduction, body of the essay and conclusion. Introduction of MLA essay The introduction is the first paragraph of the essay. In it you introduce to the audience the topic you are going to write about. The tone and the thesis given in the introduction should set the context of the whole essay. You should explain to the audience why you are going to write on that specific thesis, what makes it interesting for you and what is your overall opinion and attitude on it. The length of the introductory paragraph will depend on your instructor’s notes. Usually the last sentence in the introduction is the thesis of the essay. It is precisely the thesis that you have to support through the whole essay. Body of MLA essay The body of the MLA essay consists of transition, topic sentence, evidence and brief summary of everything written in the body so far. In order to write a good essay you should research the thesis well and draft your essay in advance. You can use quotes to support your thesis and when you use quotes in the MLA essay format do follow the rules for proper quotation. Use transition between paragraphs in order for the essay to sound organized and well written. In its essence the MLA essay is just like any other research paper. So follow the rules you already know, research the thesis thoroughly, make the draft and start writing. Conclusion of MLA essay It is a general rule for the conclusions of the essays to be strong and convincing. The conclusion usually sums up everything you have written so far for one last time. The sentences of the conclusion should be strong and clear. You should leave an impression that everything said so far is reasonable and trustworthy and the subject is coming to a closure. Always proofread your essays at least once in order to remove any grammatical and contextual mistakes that you may have made. You can also ask a friend for his/ her opinion by giving him or her the essay to read in advance prior to submitting it to your instructor.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Informative Essay Topics
Informative Essay Topics An informative essay is a specific kind of writing that focuses on giving information that may be interesting and useful for readers. The audience wants to gain priceless knowledge from an informative essay sample. Hence, the student must make a considerable contribution to the development of the main idea. There are many topics and useful tips to start the process. First of all, the chosen subject must be focused and meaningful. Secondly, the key to the creation of a successful essay is personal interest as well as the performer’s desire to share insights. Possible Informative Essay Topics 1. The Opioid Epidemic in Florida In the U.S. media, the information about the opioid epidemic in Florida appears frequently. This topic is interesting to analyze in the social context. For example, a student may explore causes, scopes, and problems effects on society. Besides, the essay should present relevant data and discuss government reactions to the issue. â€Å"Opioid Overdose Deaths and Florida’s Crackdown on Pill Mills†by Kennedy-Hendricks et al. is a valuable source; articles from credible news agencies, such as NPR and others, may be helpful as well. 2. How Deaf People Talk with Emotion Unfortunately, deafness is a serious health disorder that affects the ability to hear any sounds. It can be interesting for people who are working in this area. It is important to include the studies of the psychologists that proved that deaf people express their emotions by gesticulation. The student can mention facial emotion as it is a key element for individuals with such disorders. This source â€Å"The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education†may be extremely helpful. 3. Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia Women in Saudi Arabia are very limited in their actions. They are forbidden to do the most common things. The reason lies in cultural differences. This topic is interesting because the majority of women from other nations do not have such restrictions. The student may mention the reasons why Arabian women cannot participate in activism, and why they are not allowed to make any decisions without their husbands. Besides, it will be informative to write about reforms that were applied to Saudi Arabia women. The credible source â€Å"Torture, reform and womens rights in Saudi Arabia†by Hana Al-Khamri can be analyzed. 4. Anorexia Nervosa Cases among Young Girls Nowadays, it has become popular to follow the lifestyle of Instagram girls and models who are extremely slim. Anorexia Nervosa is a serious disorder connected with regular eating. This theme must be actual because Anorexia Nervosa is the problem of the modern generation. The student must note the main features of this chronic disorder. The NCBI informs that one teenager had a powerful fear of obesity and becoming fat that she began to suffer from anorexia. The writer can properly describe this case and do thorough research on Anorexia Nervosa by NCBI can be prompt. 5. The Pros and Cons of Teaching Students Three Languages in School Nowadays, the majority of schools have a difficult education system that includes several foreign languages. This topic can help people confirm or even change their opinion regarding the theme. The brain of school student cannot withstand a lot of mental stresses. It means that all moments must be properly analyzed in order not to harm a student. There are many studies about the Multilingual Childrens Association, and Veronica Hunt perfectly describes one of them. 6. Europe Architecture Style European architectural style can be recognized immediately, as it is extremely rational and practical. The studies that analyze this style may bring many positive emotions and aesthetic pleasure. This style was formed by the connection of particular places and time of their building. Also, the European style needs many decorations and the article â€Å"10 Key Architecture Styles And Their Defining Characteristics†can be a perfect source regarding this topic. 7. Is FBI Useful against Criminal Authorities? Of course, the FBI is a powerful organization, and it is useful against criminal authorities. Many people are deeply interested in the process of its work. The student may include many investigations and cases when the FBI successfully solved the crime. However, according to the mass shooting and kills in different corners of the world, it was proved that the FBI is not as influential as it was in the past. Unfortunately, many serious criminal cases were missed, and the FBI announced many false statements. The article â€Å"How the FBI Works†by Ed Grabianowski can be helpful for writing. 8. Diabetes and Its Treatment Diabetes is a common non-infectious chronic disease. The student must tell about the signs of the disease and its stages. For example, in the first stages, the patient may not feel serious ailment, except for increased fatigue, dry mouth, increased thirst, and appetite. Diabetes is a disease that requires long and persistent therapy. The student should focus on the techniques that are divided into three groups: taking medication, diet, and changing lifestyle. Ebenezer A. Nyenwe in her article â€Å"Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Evolving Strategies for the Treatment of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes†demonstrated priceless knowledge that can be helpful. 9. The Role of Libraries in the Digital Age This era is famous for digital availability. However, the role of libraries must not be neglected because libraries are the history and carry a historical moment. This informative essay topic is interesting and educational because very often, people compare books and online reading. Many years ago, society got intellectual resources from books sitting in libraries. Hence, they must be thankful for the priceless knowledge and places that help society made considerable technological improvements. The role of libraries in the digital age is highly appreciated even though libraries are not in great demand. The website Debating Europe, and the post â€Å"What Is the Role of Libraries in the Digital Age?†can be used during writing. 10. The Significance of Recycling Waste Materials The topic is interesting because the issue of recycling is of global importance. It is necessary to find all the new methods of replenishing or replacing consumed resources in order to preserve the ecological system. Besides, the importance of waste management has both environmental and resource-saving reasons. Many materials in nature are limited, and their time for their completion considerably exceeds the lifetimes of several generations of people. The accumulation of waste pollutes the environment. The website Ecomena can be helpful. 11. Hypnosis and Its Common Use Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness characterized by narrowing its volume and sharp focus on the content of suggestion, which is associated with a change in the function of individual control and self-consciousness. The topic is interesting enough as there are many exciting and fantastic information regarding it. The student may describe the state of hypnosis, and when it occurs. The article â€Å"What Is Hypnosis?†by Kendra Cherry may be used during writing. 12. Effective Stress Relief Techniques Oriental practitioners teach: If you want to get rid of sadness, move 27 things in the house. It is believed that it frees space for energy, which can smoothly slide in the right direction. Try this method, and make sure that it helps the brain to switch, get away from problems, and relax. The article â€Å"Best Stress Relievers for All Types of People†by Elizabeth Scott can be helpful as it includes priceless knowledge of the writer. 13. The Christian Attitude Towards Tattoo People need to determine whether they can ask God sincerely, with a clear conscience, to bless and use their actions for their purposes. Nowadays, this topic is widely discussed all over the world. The student may include information about important principles with regard to issues that the Bible does not specifically address. If there is the slightest doubt in human actions, it is better to abandon them in order to be God blessed. The article â€Å"Learn What the Bible Says about Tattoos†by Mary Fairchild brightly describes the main points about Christian attitude towards the tattoo. 14. About Procrastination and How to Overcome It Very often, people postpone important things. Also, they are unable to explain why they are doing this. After that, individuals are tormented by feelings of guilt because of the torn deadlines and the fact that someone has been let down again. The topic can be useful for students because it can improve their productivity. The author of the book â€Å"Beat Procrastination†was convinced of the perfidy of procrastination, comprehensively studied the problem, determined the causes of its occurrence, and suggested several simple and effective ways of dealing with it. 15. Pros and Cons of Gun Control Legislation The majority of the mass shootings in the USA are done with the legally bought weapon. The rate of violence will be increased due to gun control. At the same time, gun control legislation will make people sell the weapon on the black market. This theme can be interesting for many readers because there are many controversial moments. The article â€Å"Pros and Cons of Gun Control Laws in the US†by Paul Goodman can be helpful. 16. The Importance of Business Strategy Business strategy is an essential element of any developing organization. It allows the company to grow economically and concentrate on the real needs of the company. Business strategy is a powerful tool that helps an organization to reach long-term profits. The topic can be interesting as it covers a lot of important business information. The student may be focused on various business strategy, and find the most appropriate for oneself. Mendoza College of Business introduces the importance of a good business strategy for any organization. 17. About the Gaming Industry The gaming industry was actively developing after the technical revolution. The modern generation is interested in this area, and a student may use various resources while writing an essay. The development of computer games has become a whole industry with a lot of directions. Moreover, the number of fans of digital entertainment are millions. Besides, there are numerous competitions in cybersport that are held, and this trend continues to grow. The CEO of Cobx Gaming shared credible information in his article â€Å"The Future of Gaming Industry.†18. The Role of Formal Education in Building a Successful Career This particular topic is extremely important for understanding among the current generation. Formal education is an essential attribute of a modern individual because it gives significant opportunities for building a successful career. Formal education gives a priceless basis required for future development including professional area. The student may use different studies that proved the importance of formal education. For instance, the article â€Å"Formal Education Is Important†by Ratna Komala Dewi can be helpful. 19. National Parks and Their Importance The majority of people deeply admire the beauty of nature. There are many fantastic National Parks all over the world. The student may describe the rare animals as well as plants that are protected there. Besides, National Parks provide them with complete safety. Both the water and air are absolutely clean there. The NPA website and â€Å"Why Are National Parks Important†post can be used while writing an essay. 20. About Starbucks Coffee Marketing Strategies Starbucks coffee is known all over the world. However, not everyone knows about the structure of this company. Hence, the student may include such information into an essay. Starbucks Company follows a mix of several marketing strategies. Such an approach makes Starbucks extremely successful and profitable. The mix of marketing aspects allows the company to experience the most appropriate managing way. The article â€Å"Marketing Strategy of Starbucks†by Hitesh Bhasin may be applied to this topic. Overall, informative essay educates readers on the described topic. The leading purpose of an informative essay is to present and respond to the main idea of the writing. As a rule, an informative essay can define the suggested term or show the significance of the raised idea. The structure of information essay is traditional; thus, a student should remember about an introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Spanish Expansion essays
The Spanish Expansion essays On February 8, 1517 Francisco de Cordoba set sail from Cuba with 110 ships full of men to investigate the new world in search of riches and glory. Twenty-one days after their departure Cordobas men found a small Mayan town. The natives fought a brief but bloody battle with the Spaniards and were defeated. This was but the beginning of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Two years after the first expedition by Cordoba, Hernando Cortes left from Trinidad for Mexico with six hundred and eight able-bodied troops. His goal was to explore the land and record the happenings of his travels. Cortess first contact was on March 12, 1519, when he and his men engaged the Tabascan natives that inhabited the land near the entrance to the Grijalva River. This encounter was brought before the emperor of the entire land of modern day Mexico, Montezuma. Though Montezuma was interested on the newcomers, he would not allow them to visit his royal palace. Throughout the campaign that followed Cortes dealt with two insurrections and a party of Spaniards sent from Cuba to deal with the reckless leader. After several battles, the worst of which was later called la noche triste or the woeful night, where more than four hundred and fifty men. After many more battles Cortes conquered the capitol city of Tenochtitlan and all of the Aztec Empire. This woeful slaughter and pillaging brought to the end of the civilization known as the Greeks of the Western Hemisphere. This topic has always been one of great interest to me because it teaches of the beginning of the exploitation of the new world and because it is one of the few contemporary conquests that did not involve violence on European soil. The knowledge and wealth of the Aztec civilization is a wonder within its own age due to the architecture and grandeur of its capitol city Tenochtitlan alone. The idea of an entire city floating on a lake was not even dreamed of in Europe at that time. At t...
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