Saturday, August 31, 2019
Stronger Faster Smarter
Stronger, Faster, Smarter By Mary Carmichael A. Account The text â€Å"Stronger, Faster, Smarter†written by Mary Carmichael states that exercise is the key to develop a healthier and smarter brain. According to the text, studies show that exercise such as aerobic doesn’t only increase the size of the muscles via the increased blood flow, the same thing happens to the brain. More blood equals more oxygen, which helps maintain the brain cells nourished better. The same kind of exercise has also coaxed the human brain to produce new nerve cells and caused older nerve cells to form interconnected webs that make the brain run faster and more efficiently. All which results in a stronger, faster and smarter brain. These statements are fully held out by research in the field of neuroscience and kinesiology described in the text and also confirmed in the field of biochemistry. With the view of a biochemist the evidence lies on the molecular level. When exercising, our muscles contract and release and within this particular motion a protein called IGF-1 finds it way to the brain through the bloodstream. This protein informs the brain of the increased activity due to the exercise, which makes the brain crank up its production of different chemicals needed to keep the body working in a new and more stressed state. One of these chemicals is called brain derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF and is indispensable when we talk about growing a bigger, stronger, faster and smarter brain. In fact a book on this subject calls it â€Å"Miracle-Gro for the brain. It fuels almost all the activities that lead to higher thought†. With this piece of information we can conclude in a scientific way that an increase of body exercise results in a higher production of chemicals and molecules in the body, where BDNF is one of them. With an increase of BDNF, blood and also oxygen we can conclude that not only does the process of exercise lead to an increased memory and improved function due to an increase of the size of the brain which occurs of the higher amount of bloodstream, it also leads to creation of new nerve cells and their branching out, connection and communication or what we in normal sayings would call an increased ability to learn. B1. Essay Who should be held responsible is the question. And the answer is pretty simple. The educators. And the reason is simple too. As pupils, high school and college students we spend a total of almost 20 years of studying, some even more. At least a quarter of a day is held in these educational institutions that are meant to transform us from an individual to a working but also thinking part of society. Being smarter is the actual goal you set yourself; it is what the society expects when we go to school. We are taught that by being present and participating in the lessons, we learn. But what we forget or don’t know is that a crucial ingredient of learning is being fit to learn. A statement scientifically proven by numerous professors and biologist. An increase of blood flow to the brain due to exercise increases the flow of oxygen, which creates a more healthier, fresh and clean environment where new brain cells can be formed and interconnect with each other to shape what we call learning. Some people will maybe say that keeping yourself fit is a personal responsibility, but what these people forget is that obese people and people who don’t exercise could actually do more good for the society if they were fit. Everyone nowadays know that people who exercise are less likely to get life-treating diseases and studies in physiology also show that an active life equals a longer life. The society benefits from this in many ways. Not only do we live longer, we use less money on medication and treatment. But there is also a missing benefit that we forget. A fitter and healthier society equals a more intelligent society. When you look at societies with a higher level of education and compare them with societies with the exact opposite you will see a dramatic difference in wealth and happiness. I am not stating that you can’t be happy if you are poor or uneducated, but my point is that a clever and educated population tend to form societies where the foundations are based on higher level of theory and education. When taking little Denmark in perspective to the most of the world you will see that we differ by giving every citizen a chance to become an educated individual. Just by having this opportunity you can live a life in wealth and happiness, which you wouldn’t be able to in many other countries. This is also called the â€Å"Jantelov†, which says that you are no better than anybody else. A garbage man has the opportunity to become a lawyer or a doctor but as a garbage man he can live in a middle-class neighborhood and hold is head high without feeling anyone judging his choice of career. He may not have a high level of education, and his work hours may be awkward but he can enjoy the rest of the day with his family and recharge to next day of work. All of this is possible because the country is built by intellectual and educated people who have learned how to build a well working society where everyone have equal rights and have a place in society. To bare out my statement of a more intelligent society equals a happier society, independent studies and surveys in the field of social science all show that Denmark is the happiest place on earth. Little Denmark is ranked above USA, the richest and most powerful country in human history and even way above those paradise-like places like Hawaii. Based on the values of â€Å"Jantelov†, and the way the Danish society system is built by well-educated statesmen you actually have evidence of not only a wealthy, but also the happiest country in the world. It is therefore a united responsibility that should be held out by educators because their role and job is to educate and teach us how to learn. An increased effort done by educators in the field of exercise will contribute as a social benefit because a more fit and healthy society benefits in not only a wealthier and happier but also a more intelligent society. Another good reason why educational institutes should be held responsible of exercise is that they are the places that young people spend most of their time. They are the places we meet with our classmates and going to school or university is a daily routine. When we wake up we know that within few hours we have to head to one of these educational institutes where the educators have the responsibility to teach us. The main purpose is to learn what the educators teach us. Day after day we go to school to learn, but why don’t we exercise every day? This could become a reality if the educators also were coaches or brain trainers, so they didn’t only have the responsibility to teach but also to train our brains to learn with the help of fun games that motivate us to move our bodies. And motivation is the key element to exercise. If we make these games as important as the lessons we would create a social security net which doesn’t let people complete the educational without completing the â€Å"obligatory games†. The ancient Greeks did this as well, and said â€Å"fitness was almost as important as learning itself†. And an old Turkish saying my mom once told me says, â€Å"a healthy mind rests in a healthy body†. But you don’t have to be a scientist, biologist or even a Greek philosopher to see and feel the change in your body and brain when you exercise. Anyone can feel that they have a lot more energy and think clearer when they have exercise on a daily basis. But in our modern culture things such as game consoles and computers have taken over exercise and increased the proportion of overweight people. And after days and months or maybe years with no exercise we lose the motivational compositor that keeps reminding our brain that exercise is a good and satisfying for not only our body but also the brain that rests in it. And this motivation is then replaced by the fun of video games and socializing on the Internet. But a way we can re-experience the lost motivation is by doing something social and fun such as playing a game of soccer, which replaces the fun in video games and living a social life in cyberspace. By doing so, as an everyday routine in the educational institutes it will become as normal as getting up from bed, eating, brushing your teeth and going to school. It will be a regular everyday task almost an instinctual habit. And this is how and why the educators should be held responsible of training us to become better learners so we can develop stronger, faster and smarter brains.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Budgeting and Business Planning Essay
In order to create the criteria for the committee we have to look at what they want from the project. Most businesses and organisations are in business to make a profit, however the committee has different aims and objectives compared to a normal business or organisation. They need to weight up the options of each proposal and decide which best relates to their aims and objectives. When the committee is considering which proposal to go with they should consider the following categories †¢Short-term Financial Benefits †¢Long-term Financial Benefits †¢Environment †¢Relation to aims Short-term Financial Benefits The committee needs to consider the short term benefits of each proposal. They don’t want to take on a proposal that has high start-up costs and doesn’t make a return on the capital within the first year. The committee does not want to be left in a high amount of debt if the proposal fails. If the committee is left with a debt they may not be able to fund other projects to further their three aims. Long-term Financial Benefits Long-term the proposals will give different outcomes. The committee needs to decide on how long they want to keep moult hall? If they want it as a long term asset which can help with their aims? Or do they want a longer term money making scheme to boost revenue which can be used in areas they already control. Environment Moult Hall comes with a huge area of woodland, they needs to consider the effects on the local plant life and wildlife that any proposal could have. They need to think, does it destroy plant life? Does it impact on wildlife habitats? Is their going to be any long lasting environmental damage? Relation to Aims The committee is based on three main aims. They need to consider these aims in making their decision, they can’t be making use of one proposal if it goes strictly against some of their basic aims. They have to consider their own image and brand, does a proposal give them a bad name/image considering their aims and objectives? Question 2 Jonathan and Ingrid’s proposal has some short term financial benefits, in the 30 week trial run moult hall turns over a small profit of  £1,646. When the committee takes their proposal in to consideration they should recognise this point, moult hall will be of no financial burden in the short-term 30 week trial. If the 30 week trial is to succeed then moult hall can have some structural work done costing  £20,000 which would close moult hall for four weeks after the trial. The structural alterations would increase the capacity of the site to allow up to 30 guests to stay at one time. According to Jonathan and Ingrid projections of a weekly cost per guest of  £66 and a weekly charge per guest of  £150 they are making  £84 profit per guest per week. With the structural alterations and the increase in capacity by 20 guests. The weeks after the alterations are finished they could make an extra  £1,680 per week, bringing their possible weekly total profit at full capacity to  £2,436 (allowing for one free space, 29 paying customers). Therefore they could justify the large  £20,000 outlay on alterations as moult hall would pay for these alterations in little over 8 weeks. So in the long-run moult hall could be a profitable project by the end of year one. The one drawback of this proposal is the loss of the usage of the minibus at weekends, which generated an annual income of  £1,040, however it can be argued that it is now being put to better use and that the money is being recuperated from moult hall. Break-even point Total expenses £63,880 Weeks until break-even47.3 Guests until break-even473 As we can see from the table above moult hall will have to attract 473 guests a year to break even when they can only hold 10 guests per week. Equally they would have to run for 47.3 weeks a year at full capacity to break-even. This gives them an average of 9 guests a week. If they were to structurally improve moult hall so that they can hold up to 30 guests a week then the figures would look very different as shown in the table below. Break-Even Point Total Expenses £63,880 Weeks until break-even point14.7 Guests until break-even point441 Although a similar amount of guests is required the amount of weeks at full capacity has drastically dropped from 47.3 to 14.7. Their average guests per week has dropped from 9 to 8. Although this is not a large drop, in comparison they only have to fill 8 out of 30 beds compared to 9 out of 10 beds in the 30 week trial. The environment and its protection are very important to the committee and are mentioned in their main aims. Jonathan and Ingrid’s proposal helps the environment and makes the most of moult hall, if a garden was to be kept at moult hall the guest could tend to this and grow vegetables and recycle waste in a compost, which in turn could be re-used on the garden making moult hall very self-sufficient and environmentally friendly. One of the major aims of the committee is to help and educate the young. Jonathan and Ingrid’s proposal does just this, by inviting young people from the surrounding area to come stay and learn about the countryside. The guests will be able to learn about different wildlife and plant life living in the moult hall woodland and surrounding areas. The committee has to consider how the proposal will relate to their own aims, with moult hall becoming a learning centre for the young the committee could promote the good work they are doing to increase t heir donations revenue and grow as a trust. Question 3 Winston’s proposal consists of turning moult hall into a quad bike track with lavish bedrooms in the house for guests. In the year one moult hall will turn over a profit of  £1,034,283.  £750,000 of this is guaranteed to the North West trust for the protection of wildlife and the other  £284,283 will go to Winston himself. Moult hall would be a great money maker for the trust with the guaranteed income of  £750,000 adding to the  £800,000 a year they receive from local donations and fund raisers, boosting their total revenue for the year to around  £1,550,000. Long-term moult hall will turnover similar amount each year as long as there is no dip in demand. In the second year when Winston doesn’t have any initial capital costs he will make a large profit himself of  £402,350. The funds the committee will earn from moult hall could be used in other areas to promote the protection of wildlife. Break-even Point Total Expenses £1,022,650 Weeks until break-even point35.9 Guests until break-even point538 From the table above we can see the break-even point for moult hall under Winston’s proposal. He would need to be operating at full capacity for almost 40 weeks a year to break-even this means he would have to attract 538 guests a year. On average to break-even Winston will have to have 11 guests a week. In monetary terms moult hall will be a very successful; however some parts of the proposal will go against the trusts main aims. The trust was set up for the protection of wildlife; one aim is to protect local wildlife and plant life. To make the quad bike track many mature trees will have to be removed in the grounds of moult hall. This will disrupt some of the habitats of animals in the woodland. One of the main habitats that could be disrupted is the nesting sites of the red kite. The red kite has only recently been re-introduced in to the United Kingdom after the success of similar projects in wales; the trust fully supports the work of the national charity that achieved this. The red kite was wiped out in the UK by modern farming methods which use pesticides to kill small rodents, which are the main food source of the red kite. The first aim of the Trust is to encourage farming methods that don’t hurt local wildlife and plant life. They have to consider how the disruption of the nesting sites would reflect on them if they took on Winston’s proposal. It may look bad as with one hand they are supporting the work of the charity yet they are making money at the cost of disrupting local nesting sites. Question 4a There are many different measures that to committee can use to measure the performance of moult hall such as: †¢Monthly financial reports †¢Committee inspections twice a year †¢Variance analysis – comparing budgeted figures with actual Variance Analysis The committee could use variance analysis; variance analysis is a comparison of the budgeted cost of running moult hall and the actual cost of running moult hall. They could see if the costs of moult hall are favourable or adverse. If the results are favourable then this means that moult hall is running at a cheaper cost than they originally budgeted. However if the results are adverse then this means that the cost of running moult hall is more than they budgeted, this could be due to higher food prices or a larger light and heating bill than first anticipated. Variance analysis will give the committee a good idea of how much difference there is between their original planned budget and their actual outlay. This will be useful in determining weather moult hall is a financially viable option. Monthly Financial Reports The committee could ask for the manager of moult hall to send them monthly financial reports so that they can keep track of the performance and see if they are making or loosing money. They could let the financial reports come in for a few months or even up to year. This way they can identify trends and high and low seasons. They may find that they have a slightly seasonal product, as more people will want to be outside in the summer compared to the winter. They can also see if over a year they are getting an increasing amount of interest month on month or if they are losing interest Committee inspections Committee inspections could take place two or three times a year, the committee could travel as a whole or send a few representatives to moult hall to assess the upkeep of moult hall and the grounds. The inspection could also be used to see how the guests are enjoying their time at moult hall. The inspection team will then feed back to the committee who will have meetings on how to improve moult hall based on the feedback from guests and/or any improvements or checks that would need to be made to ensure the performance of moult hall is consistent. Question 4b When the committee is assessing the performance of moult hall they can use different companies to assess moult hall for them. The Environmental Inspection Agency (EIA) can carry out Environmental impact assessments. The committee could use this agency to assess the impact that moult hall is having on the surrounding woodland and grounds of moult hall. The committee can use this information to track the environmental progress of moult hall and see if the project is having a damaging or positive effect on the woodland and grounds. The committee could also use a survey company to produce a survey which can be given to guests when they leave so that the guests can give their feedback. The survey company can then use these results to produce accurate feedback to present to the committee. This method would be better than the committee asking the questions themselves as it will give a better representation of the guest’s views on moult hall. One company that they could use is amplitude research, this is a company that specialises in market research, Amplitude research can create a standard survey for guests which will make the results more comparable and easier for the committee to act upon.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Cause And Effect Of Procrastination
problem runs rampant particularly among college students in the form of procrastination. Procrastination is the art of putting something off until the very last possible time that one still has the ability to achieve it. Procrastination often has very negative effects and can cause underachievement, stress, and lack of sleep. However, some people would argue that they work best under the pressure of a deadline, so procrastination may be capable of helping to produce good results in these cases. Some†¦ Procrastination Cause and Effects Doing things at the last-minute is a trait that many people do not wish to have, but have done at one point or another. Putting things off or procrastinating is an idea that someone puts a certain task or chore aside until it is urgent. It is common among people who do not feel like completing the task at that very moment. Procrastinating can have many effects on someone’s life in more than one way. One effect that procrastination can have on a person’s life is†¦ some research conducted on the effect of academic procrastination with either self-determination theory or subjective well-being. However, there is not much research on procrastination with both self-determination theory and well-being together. These topics are of interest because the literature shows that these two factors appear to be related to each other in some way. It makes sense that an individual 's level of motivation and happiness would have some effect on whether or not they procrastinate†¦ down, but by then it is too late. Procrastination becomes a part of a routine- a habit. An individual can prevent it once he or she puts his or her mind to it and desires to change. More specifically, college students develop this pattern of putting assignments off to the side until the very last minute. There are numerous reasons as to why students procrastinate, but there are also ways to be more productive and avoid it. Although it may seem like procrastination is more satisfying and more convenient†¦ Procrastination Oh, how I am absolutely notorious with this.. My bittersweet, guilty pleasure! And at most times completely unaware that I do it or that I 'm subconsciously sabotaging myself to defer whatever it is that I should be doing. To procrastinate is to delay or postpone action. Some might even use the word lazy to describe someone that has a habit of this. A procrastinator rarely ever does nothing but rather always doing something (little, tedious, time consuming, mostly unimportant things)†¦ Topic: Procrastination Purpose: To inform audience about the facts, causes, and drawbacks or procrastination Introduction: As students we value our time and know that every bit of our time cost something. We chose to attend school in hopes of bettering our future. With this amazing opportunity we are granted the freedom of making our own decisions including what to wear, eat, or when to do our work. Having this freedom we often decide that since no one is making us do the work that we have time†¦ guilty of it at one time or another; We have been victims of procrastinating, especially as students. Procrastination is defined as â€Å"putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention†(Harper, 2015). This can include putting off assignments, papers, and projects. As you can imagine, the outcome of doing this is always negative. Procrastinating not only has psychological effects, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, but it additionally takes a toll on your body. Students†¦ Just about every person in the world has faced procrastination before in their lives. Procrastination is one of the things that I hate because I procrastinate with many things in my life. One of the main things I personally procrastinate most frequently on is school work. I know just about every college student can relate. There are many different reasons why people procrastinate, maybe they do not enjoy the task at hand, maybe they are afraid of failure, or maybe they are just lazy. There are a†¦ date. This action is called procrastination. Procrastination is the action of postponing or delaying a task. Everyone does it and sometimes people do it without even noticing. There are many reasons why people procrastinate, and it is not hard to control. The following paragraphs will explain reasons people procrastinate and strategies on how to deal with procrastination, ways to overcome procrastination, statistics about procrastination, and side effects of procrastination. One of the reasons why†¦ will explain the consequences of students procrastinating in college. The consequences discussed will be how procrastinating affects students grades, as well as students who do not procrastinate on a regular basis. Later on, solutions to reduce procrastination in college that can also be applied to your life in general. Holding students accountable for submitting work on time and holding instructors accountable for enforcing these standards will also be discussed. How colleges can help students quit†¦
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Essay
Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics - Essay Example In this connection, organizations or companies intends considering social responsibility as major initiatives or activities in order to support social causes along with satisfying commitments through corporate social responsibility (Kotler & Lee, 2008). Similarly, managerial ethics are often regarded as the code of moral ideas and values that manage the overall behaviors of an individual. A managerial ethical issue lies in such a situation when the various actions of an organization are observed to have the potential to damage or benefit the stakeholders by creating an impression on their perceived personal values (Draft & Marcic, 2010). Henceforth, in this paper, the importance of social responsibility, various risks that are linked with social responsibility and the important factors in order to overcome those risks will be elaborately discussed followed by a strong conclusion. The main objective of this paper is to make a strong belief that the companies or the organizations shoul d contribute their expensive resources as well as time to supervise their social responsibility. ... It is a part of contemporary managerial ideology which is considered in order to evaluate various decisions, beliefs and actions among others. In context to business operations, a particular organization expects to exercise greater ethical values and perform various responsibilities towards the society (Griifin, 1993). People in the organizations may hold dissimilar views regarding the ethically suitable or unsuitable actions related to a situation which in turn gives rise to ethical conflicts and thus in turn tends to signify the essentiality of managerial ethics and corporate social responsibility (Draft & Marcic, 2010). Social responsibility can be regarded or treated as one of the ethical actions considered by an organization or a company. However, a particular business cannot continue with good performances to a certain extent if it lacks in efficient financial and/or operational strengths. For instance, if the business is making too much loss in expenditures, it eventually inte nds to retrench the production cost that in turn affects the service/product quality hampering customers’ perceived values and leaving the employees jobless. This particular evidence might prove disregarding in relation to social responsibility towards the employees within an organization (Griifin, 1993) Thus, in order to promote a well equipped development within an organization, it is necessary to accept the importance or necessity of social responsibility. The importance of social responsibility is duly considered high because of its assertion towards business in order to enhance economic value, maintain coordination between employees’ work life and personal life, local communities as well as to
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marian Wright Edelman Mini Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marian Wright Edelman Mini - Research Paper Example She has also been the director at Harvard University for the Center for law and Education (Children's Defense Fund, 2011). Mrs. Edelman served as member from 1971 – 1977 at the Yale University Corporation. She was the first woman to be elected as the member. Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Prize, Heinz Award, etc are the some of the many honorary degrees that she has received. Marian Wright Edelman Institute in San Francisco State University was named after her but Mrs. Edelman is not directly associated with the Institute. Still she has extended her support to the institute. The University has strong productive history in attraction of grants for spending on the study of children and families. The Marian Write Edelman Institute achieves its goals through education, training and research. The Institute addresses many issues of equity for children, youth and their families through various programs like interdisciplinary child and adolescent development bachelor's degree, trainin g and education etc. The mission of Children's Defense Fund is LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND. It's desire to ensure Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start so that every childhood successfully passes to adulthood.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Organisational Behaviour in Vidsoft Technologies Essay
Organisational Behaviour in Vidsoft Technologies - Essay Example However, certain revisions are to be made to overcome the problem situation through modification of the leadership styles and changing the ways of managing people. The recommendation for the same covers areas of appropriate leadership style for Vidsoft, the expected changes in the attributes of a leader, and some of behavioural changes in the leader. Steps that could have been taken by Babatunde for avoiding the situation Although it is crucial that Babatunde, being a leader empowers his people through the sharing of his power among team members and enhancing their feelings of personal effectiveness, too much reliance on the decision of team members must not be entertained. At present, Babatunde is seen to be representing the ‘country club’ leadership style according to the Managerial Grid presented by Blake and Mouton, and shown in the following figure. Figure 1: Managerial Grid by Blake and Mouton (Source: University of Kentucky, 2011, slide-19) According to the countr y club style of leadership he has been showing high concern for people, showing support and warmth towards followers, maintaining good relations with them, showing respect to their feelings and being sensitive to their needs. These attributes get reflected through the fact when he chose to allow Hsu to present his grievances against his decisions. Firstly this was allowance for Hsu to refuse to comply with his decisions. Hsu’s request to refuse to report to Li and further to be transported to a different support group which was supporting another product line shows an attempt to go against or flout the decisions that had been taken. His deepest for... Today, Vidsoft Technologies is an internet company which develops softwares for meeting the procurement needs of customers. The company has been known for its high quality of service delivered to customers through a culture of teamwork, cooperative efforts, collaboration and solidarity among organization employees. However, the researcher mentiones that along with the growth of the organization, it has been confronting with leadership issues which are summarized in the following section. Technical Support Manager at Vidsoft initially applied his management style having a micro-management attitude where all his efforts went towards performance and success of the entire team. However, as number of team members kept growing, this management style felt short and it was increasingly difficult collaborating efforts and attaining a common consensus of all individuals in the group. Secondly, Babatunde’s leadership style represents a participative form of management style in which he a llows participation of group members in the decision making process of the company. Thirdly, it is Babatunde’s decision to assign responsibilities for managing one of the product lines is not accepted by all, he does seem to be depicting a strong support over own decisions. Lastly, the researcher recommends that the leadership style of Babatunde could be focused on inspiring and motivating them to support the management’s business decisions rather than trying to gain the staffs’ approval for every decision making.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Capital Appellate Process and the Unkept Promise of the Essay
The Capital Appellate Process and the Unkept Promise of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act - Essay Example All victims are entitled to appeals and should they apply for one, the state gives them an alternative for representation through a state sponsored attorney. While other convicted offenders begin their jail terms soon after the verdict is passed, death row culprits stay for long before facing justice. In Oklahoma, the duration between the judgment and the actual execution gets to up to ten years. This is contrary is normally contrary to the provision of justice, the society expects justice from the legal system, the justice in such a case is the execution of a victim, by delaying this, the society is deprived of the justice. To ensure the smooth and effective execution of criminals in time, the congress passed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act (AEDPA). This Act aimed at speeding the execution process of the indicted criminals (Nicole 9). The act was informed by the fact that prisoners often suffered from death row phenomenon. The anxiety brought about by the lengthy waiting slowly seeps sanity out of such inmates. They therefore suffer mental breakdowns and become burdens to the state and risks to their fellow inmates. Th is threatened the safety of other inmates besides being an inhumane treatment. The paper is written in an official report format implying that it serves an official purpose. Its potential target is law scholar interested in understanding the operations of the judicial system and the coordination between the justice department and the department of correction. The paper provides the details of this relationship clearly outline the weaknesses that exist and the possible consequences of the weaknesses. The headline is bold and written in a font clearly larger than the rest of the text, this is a writing method employed by newspapers and magazines, its sole objective is to draw as much attention to the article from a browsing reader. Scholarly
What kind of education did Cyrus receive in persia and media, and how Essay
What kind of education did Cyrus receive in persia and media, and how did these two education bring out what Cyrus is like by nature - Essay Example ?     Xenophon gives an account of Cyrus’s education in his childhood and boyhood first at the court of his father who is the King of Persians and secondly at the court of his father, the king of the Medes. With respect to the Persian constitution, the state educates the children and they learn the art of justice, moderation, and hunting as a way of preparing them for their future engagement in war. The number of citizens is restricted to 120,000 men who are referred to as â€Å"those equal in honor†and comprise those whose parents could give formal education. Any of the citizens (isotimoi) is allowed to hold office but the stress of the Persian constitution is strict law and regulation. If anyone does not fulfill any of the required steps in preparation to becoming a full citizen, then they are disqualified from the citizens’ body. Similarly, decisions concerning justice and rule of law are rigorously upheld. During one of his school days, Cyrus is whipped by his teachers because in a trial case brought before him, he decides in line with common sense instead of the written law. When he is twelve years of age, Cyrus leaves Persia for Medes where he lives at the court of his grandfather, the Medes’ king. Contrary to Persia, life at the court of Medes is excessive. At one time, Cyrus reproves his grandfather for drunkenness and lack of reasonableness. When Cyrus has to decide between remaining at the Medish court or going back to Persia, his mother compares the Medish and the Persian courts in strong terms. The mother describes the two courts as not being in agreement about what justice entails. She describes the Medish kingdom as tyrannical whereas the Persian kingdom is founded on equality which they believe constitutes justice. She describes the king of Persia as very observant on the law rather than his will. She warns Cyrus to be careful lest he is beaten alive when he returns home (Persia) on the ground of the tyrannical rather than kingship
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Complementary Therapeutic Nursing Interventions Coursework
Complementary Therapeutic Nursing Interventions - Coursework Example The paper tells that the evidence presented in the research report supports the conclusion that accounting of Medical Administering Errors (MAEs) ought to be anonymous in addition to being without unhelpful consequences. Both the reviewed literature and the results highlighted that MAEs are a problem in many hospitals. The results of the study confirmed the existence of the problem as 66.9 percent of the nursing professionals who took part in the study reported experiencing Medical Administering Errors (Lin & Ma, 2009). The research was performed out of the need to improve the quality of health that had been on the decline in Taiwan due to MAEs. In view of this, the results of this study indicated that 87.7 percent of nurses were willing to report MAEs. Hence, the real problem was not underreporting of MAEs but the complexity that come with reporting MAEs such as negative consequences and lack of anonymity. Other evidence presented in the research support the conclusion that negative consequences promote underreporting of MAEs. For instance, the results of the study showed that the odds of eagerness to report Medical Administering Errors improved 2.66 times in privately run rest homes (p = 0.032,confidence interval = 1.09-6.49), and 3.28 in charity hospitals (p = 0.00, confidence interval = 1.73 to 6.21) as contrasted to community hospitals. The explanation of this observation is that privately run and charitable hospitals encompass more flexible as well as receptive organizational environments than community hospitals. ... Other evidence presented in the research support the conclusion that negative consequences promote underreporting of MAEs. For instance, the results of the study showed that the odds of eagerness to report Medical Administering Errors improved 2.66 times in privately run rest homes (p = 0.032,confidence interval = 1.09-6.49), and 3.28 in charity hospitals (p = 0.00, confidence interval = 1.73 to 6.21) as contrasted to community hospitals (Lin & Ma, 2009). The explanation of this observation is that privately run and charitable hospitals encompass more flexible as well as receptive organizational environments than community hospitals. Hence, nurses working in these hospitals tend to report MAEs more. Another explanation could be that community hospitals may perhaps make nursing professionals very perceptive of hospital targets toward quality enhancement. As a result, nurses may occasionally have chosen not to account for medical administering errors events, to evade being answerable f or a letdown to accomplish the goal. Ethical Issues that may have arisen while conducting the research One of the ethical issues that could have arisen in this study is consent to take part in the study. In longitudinal studies, informed consent must be obtained at several stages of the research. In the case of Lin and Ma (2009), ethical consent was only required before filling the questionnaires. This type of consent is known as initial consent. Depending on the ethical issues involved in a study other informed consent such as, continuing consent, consent to find respondent in case of a follow up study, consent for unforeseen analysis and activities and consent for transition among others. Another ethical issue that could have arisen
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